穿越城市的波動 x 撞擊感官的融合
在電音節奏與爵士即興間 率性突破樂種的邊界
以當代都會為大舞台 搬演令人玩味再三的追愛日誌

爵士電子頑咖回來啦!大衛費洛蒙(David Federmann)再次邀集各路爵士好手,一同激盪出第二張融合專輯——《VMAJ13 巴黎十三和弦》。

這次共有14位音樂人參與錄製專輯的12首單曲,包括了演唱浩室單曲〈Jim 吉姆〉的Amélie Nallet,以及演唱酸爵士民謠〈Watercolor 水彩〉的Jeanne Rochette等實力歌手,這兩首歌曲也在法國廣播電台FIP被強力推薦。


In 2015 David Federmann came back with VMAJ13, a second LP created on the same collaborative mode as the first one released two years earlier: 14 artists teaming up on 12 new songs.

Talented singers are invited on the project, including Amélie Nallet on the Housy hit with french lyrics “Jim”, and Jeanne Rochette on the Acid-Jazz ballad “Watercolor.”

These two tracks that will be supported by the famous french musical radio FIP (whose Twitter founder, Jack Dorsey, had the logo tattooed!).

David Federmann & his virtuosos musicians define a new musical quest by mixing historical Jazz codes with Electronic Music.

爵士電子頑咖 - 大衛費洛蒙

大衛費洛蒙(David Federmann)是法國的新爵士(Nu-Jazz)音樂家與製作人,出生於史特拉斯堡,現居於巴黎。自學多種器樂演奏,但最為人熟知的是他的鋼琴演奏與作曲天賦。




2013年,以大衛費洛蒙為首的VMAJ7工作室誕生。VMAJ7不只是一個唱片廠牌,更是串聯了超過30位優秀音樂夥伴的大型計劃,第一張合輯便在2014年獲得法國GRAND PRIX SACEM大獎肯定。

大衛費洛蒙受到許多不同年代的爵士風格啟發,從50年代的咆勃(Be-Bop)、70年代的爵士放克、80年代以麥可傑克森(Michael Jackson)為首的爵士靈魂流行樂(soul-jazzy-pop),一直到90年代的饒舌、迷幻爵士(Acid Jazz)。此外,2000年代早期的新爵士(Future Jazz)、斷拍(Broken Beat)風格,更是打破了他創作音樂的規則。


David Federmann is a French Jazz musician and studio producer. He was born and raised in Strasbourg and now lives in Paris. He is a self-taught artist and plays many instruments but is best known for his talent as a pianist and a composer.

David attributes his musical sense to his early involvement in jazz clubs and his affinity for jam sessions that began at the age of 13. Between Strasbourg - his hometown - and Paris, he has met hundreds of musicians on stage, adapting his sound according to their styles and creating new musical alchemies every night.

David is also a skilled sound engineer who is often hired by radio and TV production companies. When he moves from live performance into the studio, he seeks sonic perfection, blending his workmanship of advanced technology with his love for jazz.

In 2013, when David brought together the best musicians he had played with on a big studio project, VMAJ7 was born. More than just a record label, VMAJ7 is a collective of 30 musicians. The first collaborative album was awarded at the GRAND PRIX SACEM 2014.

David Federmann is the son of Jazz Clubs as a live performer. But after years of experience in composition and mixing, he now considers studio creation as a unique musical practice. Thanks to his knowledge of studio techniques, he became a WAVES & LANDR since 2017.

His influences: From the Miles Davis Be-Bop of the 50s, to the George Benson Jazz-Funk genre of the 70s, David has a thirst for soul-jazzy-pop from the 80s that can only be quenched by classics such as Michael Jackson’s releases produced by Quincy Jones.

David also takes his musical inspiration from Rap/Acid Jazz of the 90s, such as A Tribe Called Quest, Guru & the Jazzmatazz, and MC Solaar.
What’s more, his discovery of Future Jazz/Broken Beat tracks in the early 2000s / Jazzanova, St Germain, Kyoto Jazz Massive, 4 Hero and Nicola Conte were game-changers for him.

Heir to this rich heritage, David Federmann is constantly renewing the art of mixing Jazz codes with Modern Urban Music styles and is always surrounded by the most talented musicians and singers from the French Jazz scene.
