From the Forest Floor
From The Forest Floor
A contemporary and musically organic set of songs with something for everyone. There are songs of thoughtful reflection as with the upbeat ANOTHER DAY, WHERE HAVE THEY GONE and the beautifully intense TODAY WILL NEVER END, and SHINE. Country songs: ARIZONA MORNING and PICKIN’ GOLD (which sites 86 iconic country artists). Classic rock influences with the anthem of the LA freeway system in THE 405 to THE GIRL WITH GOLDEN HANDS, the story of David’s personal friend and schoolmate the late Jan Kuehnemund who became the world famous guitar player and founder of the all woman rock band Vixen. MORNING SKY OF BLUE is a song of personal loss of his mother and friend Strider Hammer, with a sensitive beauty and hopeful ending that will soothe anyone’s sadness. THE PURPLE PRINCE is a tribute to the great musician Prince whom David worked for several times. BLOOD IN DESERT SANDS is a cut from his dramatic rock musical ISHMAEL and ISAAC– SONS OF ABRAHAM and BOHEMIA is a 16 ½ minute epic tale of the h