Poppin' Fever 2 (Poppin' Beats)

Poppin' Fever 2 (Poppin' Beats)

Hi, guys!
Get ready for something awesome! We’re gonna stun you with a great news – let us introduce a new exclusive and unique popping beats from Charodey Jeddy!
The first part of these beats was released in May,2014th, but it still exhilarate and heartens our ears. It is still one of the most high-demanded albums of Charodey Jeddy. So, check the second part out!
It’s gonna be a surprise for your music tastes. A new charge from Charodey Jeddy. This time a new portion of the ecmental pharmacy of urban music with a funky mood. This tape was inspired by the sound of the Space and Electro funk music of the 70-80s, as well as the non-verbal experiments with the synthesizers Moog, Korg and old school drums. Old ideas and new, sometimes aggressive, sound, slashing snares and clapping, fatty basses, spontaneous breaks and small notes of aroma West Coast.
Wanna something hard? Kind of sound violence? You’re welcome to listen to it.
All sounds are propagated in invisible small waves in space. Whether it's bodies, rooms, apartments, castles, fortified cities. Intangible, they break through any barriers ... Hearing is not the same as seeing. What can be seen, you can hide, closing your eyelids, with the help of partitions, curtains, inaccessible walls. For the sound, there are no centuries, no partitions, no curtains, no walls ... The sound breaks in.
The volume amplifies the tension: roaring music is a step towards hegemony, a declaration of contempt for those who think differently.
