I've been "writing" songs since I was maybe 5 or 6 years old.
I suppose you'd call it "making them up" when you're a little boy, through the years my songs come to me in different ways.
The Album "Foreverly" has Pop songs ... Rockers ... Ballads ... there's even a bluesy/New Orleans/Dixielandish Trombone driven Tune. Somebody said to me that it sounds like something Paul McCartney might have written.
You will hear threads and echoes of the Music I've loved all of my life on this Album.
All The King's Horses ...
My youngest daughter was home from College and we were talking about Divorce. I am Divorced from her Mom .. my Parents were Divorced ... my wife was Divorced, her Parents too ... sadly it happens way too often. I wrote this very quickly from the parent to their child ... 'sorry this happened'. It's a Rocker !
Guitar Slinger Johnny Saris with a wailing Lead Guitar ... sounds like an Indy Racer taking off !!!
The amazing Chris Carey's steady hands on the Drums, Don Young, Joel Brown, Dave Maswick a