On the Edge

On the Edge

On the Edge, originally released in 1990, was the second album as a leader by Craig Fraedrich and features: John DeSalme and Phil Burlin on saxophone, Brian Bennett and Paul Henry on bass, Robert Fox on piano and Alan Wonneberger on drums.


Yes there is good jazz in Virginia; no, New York has no corner on the good players. Craig Fraedrich and his compatriots are case in point. These 1988 and 1990 recordings by a group of considerable D.C. area musicians may have difficulty vying for your attention amidst the flood of Gotham based goodies, but given half a chance Fraedrich and company will make many friends. Craig Fraedrich is a brass man of admirable facility and heartfelt tone. Kenny Wheeler comes most immediately to mind. Fraedrich is the leader and most auspicious/conspicuous soloist on these dates. There is an openness to these original compositions that bodes well for Fraedrichs future. …Both releases are marked by tight ensembles, clear, clean execution and admirable studio values. . ..Fraedr
