From Melba To Sutherland: Australian Singers On Record
No. 14b Air des bijoux: "Ah! Je ris de me voir" - Nellie Melba&Landon Ronald
Nymphes et Sylvains - Nellie Melba&Landon Ronald
Addio dolce svegliare alla mattina (Quartet) (Live) - Nellie Melba&Browning Mummery&John Brownlee&Aurora Rettore&Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden&Vincenzo Bellezza
"Obéissons quand leur voix appelle" - Frances Saville
New Year Song - Ada Crossley&Christopher H. H. Booth
"Miserere d'un'alma" - Frances Alda&Enrico Caruso
"In quelle trine morbide" - Frances Alda&Rosario Bourdon
"Caro nome" - Amy Castles
Metcalf: Absent - Irene Ainsley
"C'est l'histoire amoureuse" - Evelyn Scotney&Eugene Goossens
"Regnava nel silenzio" - Stella Power&Frank St. Leger
Killarney - Marie Narelle
Verdi: La traviata / Act 1 - "Follie! Delirio vano è questo!" - "Sempre libera" - Lalla Miranda
"Un bel dì vedremo" - Rosina Buckman&Royal Albert Hall Orchestra&Eugene Goossens
Lullaby - Gertrude Johnson&Cyril Scott
Darby And Joan - Ella Caspers
"Du bist wie eine Blume" - Dorothy Helmrich&Hubert Foss
I Passed By Your Window - Eileen Boyd
"Samson, recherchant ma présence ... Amour, viens aider ma faiblesse" - Clara Serena&Stanford Robinson
Bless This house - Essie Ackland&Herbert Dawson
Waiata Poi - Alfred Hill&Mirrie Hill
Ben Bolt (Trilby’s Song) - Walter Kirby
"No, Pagliaccio non son" - Browning Mummery&Sir John Barbirolli
Macushla - Alfred O’Shea
"Amore O Grillo" - Lionello Cecil
"Jesu! By That Shuddering Dread" - Horace Stevens&London Symphony Orchestra&Edward Elgar
5. "Time Was, When Love And I Were Well Acquainted" - Andrew Black
"Honour And Arms Scorn Such A Foe" - Peter Dawson&George Byng
1. The Land Of "Who Knows Where!" - Peter Dawson&Gerald Moore
2. Bush Silence - Peter Dawson&Gerald Moore
4. Comrades Of Mine - Peter Dawson&Gerald Moore
5. Bush Night Song - Peter Dawson&Gerald Moore
James: Six Australian Bush Songs - 6. The Stock-Rider's Song - Peter Dawson&Gerald Moore
The Floral Dance - Peter Dawson&Gerald Moore
"O Ruddier Than The Cherry" - Malcolm McEachern&Clarence Raybould
"Onaway! Awake, beloved!" - Harold Williams&Clarence Raybould
Old John Bax - Harold Williams&Maynard Wilkinson
"Deh! vieni alla finestra" - John Brownlee&Glyndebourne Festival Orchestra&Fritz Busch
31. “When A Felon's Not Engaged In His Employment” - Richard Watson&D'Oyly Carte Opera Company&New Promenade Orchestra&Isidore Godfrey
"The King's Prayer" - Lempriere Pringle
"Elisabeth’s Greeting" - Elsa Stralia&Hamilton Harty
"Hojotoho! Hojotoho!" - Florence Austral&Spencer Clay
"Welches Unholds List liegt hier verhohlen?" - Florence Austral&Frederick Collier&London Symphony Orchestra&Albert Coates
"La luce langue" - Margherita Grandi&Royal Scottish National Orchestra&Berthold Goldschmidt
"Starke Scheite schichtet mir dort" - Marjorie Lawrence&Orchestre de l’Association des Concerts Pasdeloup&Piero Coppola
Spring Waters (Vesenniye vodi) , Op. 14, No. 11 - Marjorie Lawrence&Ivor Newton
"Is This All You Can Bring?" - Sylvia Fisher&Johanna Peters&English Chamber Orchestra&Benjamin Britten
Comin' Thro' The Rye - Syria Lamonte
The Boys’ Brigade - Hamilton Hill
Lo! Here The Gentle Lark - Violet Mount&John Amadio&George W. Byng
The Whistling Bowery Boy - Albert Whelan
Oh! Oh! Antonio - Florrie Forde
When Father Papered The Parlour - Billy Williams
Love Will Find A Way (From "The Maid Of The Mountains") - Gladys Moncrieff&Columbia Concert Orchestra&Gilbert Dechelette
A Paradise For Two (From "The Maid Of The Mountains") - Robert Chisholm&Gladys Moncrieff
Someday - Strella Wilson&‘Show of Shows’ Orchestra
Let’s Take A Trip To Melbourne - Clement Q. Williams
Is ‘e an Aussie, Lizzie, is ‘e? - Malcolm McEachern&Flotsam And Jetsam&B.C. Hilliam
Climb Every Mountain (From "The Sound Of Music") - Rosina Raisbeck&Orchestra of the Princess Theatre, Melbourne&Eric Clapham
The Sound Of Music (From "The Sound Of Music") - June Bronhill&Orchestra of the Princess Theatre, Melbourne&Eric Clapham
"O mio babbino caro" - Joan Hammond&Hallé Orchestra&Leslie Heward
"Depuis le jour" - Joan Hammond&Hallé Orchestra&Warwick Braithwaite
Thomas: Mignon / Act 2 - "Je suis Titania" - Glenda Raymond&Australian Symphony Orchestra&Hector Crawford
Scène 5: Duo: “O mon cher fils, donne cette herbre tendre" - Elsie Morison&The St. Anthony Singers&Goldsbrough Orchestra&Sir Colin Davis