Alliance Part 1 combines determination, desire and development. The concept for this album began with a picture. When attending a friends art display in a local gallery in San Francisco, Emanate had no idea they were to lay eyes on a piece of work by their friend Jeremiah 'J-Mo' and simultaneously think- this is our album cover. That is exactly what happened though and so began a desire that burned over a year before being put into action. It took a move from San Francisco to Berlin for Emanate to buckle down without distraction and transcend through the process of their first album. There is no specific theme behind the album other then a documentation of who and where the artist's are in this stage of life. With a little bit of this and a little bit of that, they have combined live sound recording with vocal layering to create a not too serious but rather- fluid and momentous ride. Allow yourself to enjoy the mentality, passion and emotion behind this aural experience. xx