The War of Wrath: Epic Scenes from The Silmarillion, Part Five
Aiya Eärendil - Emma Mary Llewellyn&Volante Demo Chorus
And at Times Melian and Galadriel would speak together of Valinor - Volante Demo Chorus
There is Some Woe that Lies Upon You - Helen Jarmany&Angharad Morgan
Then Galadriel Spoke to Melian of the Silmarils - Volante Demo Chorus
Now Much You Tell Me - Helen Jarmany&Angharad Morgan&Volante Demo Chorus
This is a Great Matter - Helen Jarmany&Martin Lloyd
Now the World Runs Swiftly On - Helen Jarmany
Then a Winter as it Were the Hoarage - Michael Clifton-Thompson
Now When the Horns of the Hunt Grew Faint - Sophie Yelland&Helen Jarmany&Volante Demo Chorus
Wherefore, Renegade, do you Defile the Seat of our Lord? - Helen Jarmany&Huw Llywelyn&Volante Demo Chorus
Eärendil was a Mariner - Volante Demo Chorus
It is Likely That You Will See Me Never Again - Simon Crosby Buttle
To the Sea - Simon Crosby Buttle
Beneath the Moon and Under Star - Volante Demo Chorus
A Silmaril of Fëanor - Michael Clifton-Thompson&Stephen Wells&Huw Llywelyn
Through Hopeless Night She Came to Him - Sophie Yelland&Simon Crosby Buttle
San Ninqueruvisse Lutier... - Sophie Yelland&Simon Crosby Buttle
I Will Follow that Light - Julian Boyce&Martin Lloyd&Volante Demo Chorus
Through Evernight he Back was Borne - Philip Lloyd Evans
Hail Eärendil! - Philip Lloyd Evans
He Tarried There From Errantry - Simon Crosby Buttle&Sophie Yelland&Volante Demo Chorus
Shall Mortal Man Step Living Upon the Undying Realm - Julian Boyce&Martin Lloyd&George Newton-Fitzgerald&Simon Crosby Buttle&Sophie Yelland
A Ship then New They Built for Him - Volante Demo Chorus
Surely that is a Silmaril that shines - Volante Demo Chorus
But on Him Mighty Doom was Laid - Volante Demo Chorus
But Morgoth Looked Not for the Assault That Came Upon Him - Volante Demo Cast
Then the Sun Rose and the Host of the Valar Prevailed - Volante Demo Chorus
And Morgoth Himself the Valar Thrust through the Door of Night - Volante Demo Chorus
Yield Up Now these Jewels - Stephen Wells&Philip Lloyd Evans
Thus it Came to Pass That the Silmarils Found Their Long Homes - Volante Demo Chorus
Interlude - Volante Sampled Orchestra
Alas for the Weakness of the Great! - Jasey Hall&Volante Demo Chorus
Three Rings for the Elvenkings Under the Sky - Jasey Hall&Laurence Cole
Aiya Eärendil - Volante Demo Chorus
A Wind in the Grass! - Angharad Morgan&Simon Crosby Buttle&Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Chorus
Now the Proud Elms at Last Begin to Quail - Simon Crosby Buttle&Volante Demo Chorus
At Night the Elves Dance - Angharad Morgan&Volante Demo Chorus
Bare has our Realm Become - Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Chorus
I Would Not Seek the Burning Domes and Sands - Angharad Morgan&Simon Crosby Buttle&Julian Boyce&Volante Demo Chorus