Celebrating Emma Kirkby
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Chorus: "Wir gehn nun, wo der Dudelsack" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Aria: "Das ist galant, es spricht niemand" - Recit. "Und unsre gnädge Frau" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Aria: "Ach Herr Schosser, geht nicht gar zu schlimm" - Recit. "Es bleibt dabei" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: "Utrecht" Te Deum, HWV 278: Vouchsafe, O Lord - Emma Kirkby&Rogers Covey-Crump&Paul Elliott&David Thomas&Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford&Academy Of Ancient Music&Simon Preston
"Not All My Torments Can Your Pity Move", Z. 400 - Emma Kirkby&Christopher Hogwood
Esther, HWV 50 / Scene 2: "Praise the Lord with cheerful noise" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Itene pur tremendo - Emma Kirkby&James Bowman&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act II: No. 26, Song & Chorus. Haste, Haste to Town - Emma Kirkby&academy of ancient music chorus&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Exsultate, jubilate, K. 165: II. Tandem advenit hora (1st Salzburg Text) - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: No. 7, Recit. See, Your Royal Guest Appears - Emma Kirkby&John Mark Ainsley&Catherine Bott&academy of ancient music chorus&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Aria: "Gib, Schöne, viel Söhne" - Recit. "Du hast wohl recht" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: "Mi palpita il cor", HWV 132: Clori, di te mi lagno - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Vivaldi: Cantata "Amor Hai Vinto" RV 651: Passo di pena in pena - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: "Tu Fedel? Tu Costante?", HWV 171: L' occhio nero vivace di Filli - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: No. 10, Air. Pursue Thy Conquest - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: "Tu Fedel? Tu Costante?", HWV 171: Sì, crudel, ti lascierò - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Alpestre Monte, HWV 81: Alpestre monte - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Cantata "Ich habe genug" BWV 82: 2. Recitativo: Ich habe genug! Mein Trost ist nur allein - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
"Olinda In The Shades Unseen", Z.404 - Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rooley
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Aria: "Es nehme zehntausend Dukaten" - Recit. "Das klingt zu liederlich" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: No. 1, Solo & Chorus. Shake the Cloud – Banish Sorrow - Emma Kirkby&academy of ancient music chorus&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: "Tu Fedel? Tu Costante?", HWV 171: Tu fedel? tu costante? - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Gedenke doch, mein Geist zurücke, BWV 509 - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Aria: "Fünfzig Taler bares Geld" - Recit. "Im Ernst ein Wort!" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Ecco Dorinda - Emma Kirkby&Catherine Robbin&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: O Angelica, o Medoro - Emma Kirkby&Arleen Augér&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Aria: "Und dass ihr's alle wisst" - Duet Recit. "Mein Schatz, erraten!" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Duet Aria: "Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet" - Duet Recit. "Nu, Mieke, gib dein Guschel immer her" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Aria: "Ach es schmeckt doch gar zu gut" - Recit. "Der Herr ist gut" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: The Indian Queen, Z. 630 / Act 3: "I Attempt From Love's Sickness To Fly" - Emma Kirkby&Richard Campbell&Christopher Hogwood
Tromboncino: Frottole: Se ben hor non scopra el foco - Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rooley
Handel: "Tu Fedel? Tu Costante?", HWV 171: Se Licori, Filli ed io - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: La Resurrezione (1708) , HWV 47 / Parte Prima: "Ma, che veggio?" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: The Indian Queen, Z. 630 - Ed A. Pinnock, M. Laurie / Prologue: Why Should Men Quarrel? - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: The Fairy Queen, Z.629 / Act 5: "Hark! How All Things" - Emma Kirkby&Richard Campbell&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: "Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten" Cantata, BWV 202 - "Wedding Cantata": 9. "Sehet in Zufriedenheit" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Pergolesi: Salve Regina in C minor (1736) : 5. O clemens - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Arne: The Masque of Comus: "Thrice Upon Thy Fingers Tip" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Pergolesi: Salve Regina in C minor (1736) : 3. Eja ergo - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Handel: "Mi palpita il cor", HWV 132: Mi palpita il cor - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: Timon of Athens, Z.632 / The Masque: "The Cares Of Lovers" - Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rooley
Handel: Orlando, HWV 31 / Act 1: Quanto diletto avea...Io non so - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen Cantata, BWV 51: Recitativo: "Wir beten zu dem Tempel an" - Emma Kirkby&English Baroque Soloists&John Eliot Gardiner
"When First Amintas Sued For A Kiss", Z.430 - Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rooley
Purcell: The Tempest, Z.631 / Act 4: "Dear Pretty Youth" - Emma Kirkby&Richard Campbell&Christopher Hogwood
Haydn: The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 1: No. 4, Solo. The Marv'lous Work Beholds Amazed (Sung in English) - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen Cantata, BWV 51: Aria: "Alleluja" - Emma Kirkby&English Baroque Soloists&John Eliot Gardiner
Handel: "Utrecht" Te Deum, HWV 278: To thee all Angels cry aloud To thee Cherubin and Seraphin - Emma Kirkby&Judith Nelson&Charles Brett&Rogers Covey-Crump&Christ Church Cathedral Choir, Oxford&Academy Of Ancient Music&Simon Preston
J.S. Bach: Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 "Peasant Cantata": Aria: "Unser trefflicher, lieber Kammerherr" - Recit. "Er hilft uns allen" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Pergolesi: Stabat Mater, P. 77: XI. Duet. Inflammatus et accensus - Emma Kirkby&James Bowman&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
"Lovely, Lovely Albina's Come Ashore", Z.394 - Emma Kirkby&Richard Campbell&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: Dido and Aeneas, Z. 626, Act I: No. 6, Duet & Chorus. Fear No Danger to Ensue - Emma Kirkby&胡安娜·贝尔德&academy of ancient music chorus&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Pergolesi: Stabat Mater, P. 77: II. Soprano. Cuius animam gementem - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Vivaldi: Nulla in mundo pax, RV 630: 4. Alleluia (Allegro) - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: Magnificat In E-Flat Major, BWV 243a: 2. Et exultavit spiritus meus - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Simon Preston
Pergolesi: Stabat Mater, P. 77: VIII. Duet. Fac, ut ardeat cor meum - Emma Kirkby&James Bowman&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Pergolesi: Stabat Mater, P. 77: III. Duet. O quam tristis et afflicta - Emma Kirkby&James Bowman&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Haydn: The Creation, Hob. XXI:2, Pt. 3: No. 31, Recit. Our Duty We Performed Now (Sung in English) - Emma Kirkby&Michael George&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
"Where The Bee Sucks" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
"Bist du bei mir" (formerly attrib. J.S.Bach as BWV 508) - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Purcell: Celebrate This Festival, Z.321 (Birthday Ode for Queen Mary) : "Crown The Altar, Deck The Shrine" - Emma Kirkby&Anthony Rooley
Handel: La Resurrezione (1708) , HWV 47 / Parte Seconda: "Per celare il nuovo scorno" - Emma Kirkby&David Thomas&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
J.S. Bach: "Weichet nur, betrübte Schatten" Cantata, BWV 202 - "Wedding Cantata": 5. "Wenn die Frühlingslüfte streichen" - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood
Mozart: Exsultate, jubilate, K. 165: IV. Alleluja. Allegro - Emma Kirkby&Academy Of Ancient Music&Christopher Hogwood