Out Of Our Heads
滚石乐队凭借他们活化石般漫长的艺术生涯争取到了比Beatles还多的上榜机会。滚石杂志的编辑认为,滚石乐队从这张专辑开始撕掉了Blues和R&B的外衣,Jagger创作的几首原创歌曲走上了所谓hard riff的道路,味道更重,歌词也变得叛逆,但专辑中仍然有一些翻唱的歌曲,不是纯粹原创的专辑。这张专辑在滚石杂志选出的500张历代最强专辑中排名第114位。In 1965, the Stones finally proved themselves capable of writing classic rock singles that mined their R&B/blues roots, but updated them into a more guitar-based, thoroughly contemporary context. The first enduring Jagger-Richards classics are here -- "The Last Time," its menacing, folky B-side "Play With Fire," and the riff-driven "Satisfaction," which made them superstars in the States and defined their sound and rebellious attitude better than any other single song. On the rest of the album, they largely opted for mid-'60s soul covers, Marvin Gaye's "Hitch Hike," Otis Redding's "Cry to Me," and Sam Cooke's "Good Times" being particular standouts. "I'm All Right" (based on a Bo Diddley sound) showed their 1965 sound at its rawest, and there are a couple of fun, though derivative, bluesy originals in "The Spider and the Fly" and "The Under Assistant West Coast Promotion Man."