Entering Portland
Let me start off by saying my album is being sold at Sam Goody in the Lloyd Center and at Pioneer Mall you can also find it online at www.cdbaby.com. I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon in the N and NE area. I've been working with music for about four six years, but didn't get serious until 2004. I never had a lot, in fact I never had much growing up. With that disadvantage growing up I learned how important it is to get your education and secure a future. I'm a senior at PSU, and when I graduate this summer I'll be going to graduate school. School, and music are both important to me. The difference is I like school, but I love music. My goal to be successful in these areas are motivated by my daughter and my unborn son. I'm not married or in a relationship, but I wouldn't mind meeting someone. Let me stop trying to sell myself. I produce my own music and of course I write my own lyrics. My music sounds like... me. That's the beauty of my sound it doesn't resemble anyone, but it has that pioneer feel. The best way to describe what is meant by pioneer is to give some examples. Jay Z, Emenem, Nas, and 2pac are all pioneers. They are all great artists and have a unique sound that makes other atists follow. They're trend setters. Not only do I believe that I'm a trend setter, but I'm told the same as well. I enjoy hearing any comments from anyone who heard or listened to any one of my tracks. I like to think of myself as a student for life.