Money Pussy and Drugs (feat. Afroman & Grayson Klauber) [Explicit]

Money Pussy and Drugs (feat. Afroman & Grayson Klauber) [Explicit]

Mountain Sprout - Arkansas' most rowdy group of heathen, backwoods, drunk, white, hillbillies & Afroman - Hip Hops' highest Star in the back of a police car, have recorded a song together...... W.T.F? Is That for real you wonder? Well, wonder no more the rumors are all true. The gravel has met the blacktop, the cornbread and collard greens have been mixed with the mac & cheese. Afroman and Mountain Sprout have crossed vast musical genres and stereotypes to record one song together. One song that carries meaning for us all, a song that we all relate to, a song that tells the truth about why we are all in this music boat together and why we stay in it. We named that song..." Money, Pussy & Drugs". Now, many less honest musicians than ourselves may say they have a more lofty purpose, something more meaningful or spiritual or uplifting...etc. Maybe so, but we think it smells of bullshit and lies, who cares. We don't need any better reasons than" Money, Pussy & Drugs".
Grayson Klauber of Mountain Sprout, penned the little gem after being asked for about the 10,000th time in interviews " Why do you play music? What got you started? Is it something you love to do? What are your influences?" After giving it a bit of thought, he realized that he really was only in it for the money,pussy and drugs.
Afroman got involved after Grayson played it for him one night in the pot smoke filled basement of some club in central Arkansas. Afroman made up a verse of his own for the song right on the spot and we recorded it and fuck it, here it is in all of it's undiluted glory...hope you like.
