Gimyerim two months, the first stand alone 'coloring' sound public!
Black skirt and gimyerim, individualistic nation's best singer-songwriters and individualistic met!
Two months gimyerim first two solo stands in front of the public. Nakjeom seongonggae song first song of the gimyerim 'coloring'. Putput two months and gave the feeling of throbbing music and a totally different color. Gimyerim this song through the two-month-to-month, not in the gimyerim gimyerim want to show other. We know it was not a completely new gimyerim gimyerim would like to express. Gimyerim through the solo debut 'Lim Kim' English name of the highlights of her being is in that sense too. Gimyerim hidden in her unique voice will be seen in a variety of colors unfold.
'Coloring' to represent the current Korea indipap singer-songwriter known as a genius artist and a black skirt direct lyrics and composed. 'Coloring' of the late-night lover be reached, and he did have the mind of a troubled girl. Relationships with loved ones are at stake, or when boredom righteous person's 'coloring' sounds even anxiety of many of the lyrics seem to be able to get sympathy. Black skirt and gimyerim, two individualistic public meeting in Korea so far unseen in the music industry with the unique color of the song was born. Black skirt 'coloring' of the most needed, not just a distinctive singing voice was unique neunde said, gimyerim exist by itself the voice of the song and the most well-matched.
'Coloring' of the first mini-album contained gimyerim mid-June will be released.