Feanor (Complete Demo Recording)
Prelude (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Sampled Orchestra
In This Time (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
Then Elbereth Beheld the Darkness (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
And as a Blue Fire Flickered (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
Many Waters Flowed Down Thither (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
Last of All (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
This Is the Counsel of the One (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
This is the Noontide (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
In That Time Was Born (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
And It Came to Pass (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
As Three Great Jewels They Were (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
And Melkor Lusted for the Silmarils (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
Beware! Small Love Has the Proud Son of Miriel (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Laurence Cole&Volante Demo Chorus
King and Father (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Simon Crosby Buttle&Volante Demo Chorus
Thou Speakest of Thraldom (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Julian Boyce&Laurence Cole&Simon Crosby Buttle
Beneath the Sheer Walls of the Mountains (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
Do as I Bid (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Laurence Cole&Volante Demo Chorus
As I Promised (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Simon Crosby Buttle
And Even as Feanor and Fingolfin Stood (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
The Light of the Trees (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Emma Mary Llewellyn
Hearest Thou (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&George Newton-Fitzgerald&Simon Crosby Buttle&Laurence Cole&Julian Boyce
Blood and Darkness (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Stephen Wells&Simon Crosby Buttle
Why, O People of the Stars? (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Simon Crosby Buttle
Be He Friend or Foe (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Simon Crosby Buttle&Michael Clifton-Thompson&Philip Lloyd Evans&Julian Boyce&Stephen Wells&George Newton-Fitzgerald&Laurence Cole&Jasey Hall
Against the Folly (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&George Newton-Fitzgerald&Simon Crosby Buttle
Prelude (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Sampled Orchestra
Others of the Elves (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
You Renounce Your Friendship (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Simon Crosby Buttle&Michael Clifton-Thompson
Then Swords Were Drawn (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
The Way Was Long (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Demo Chorus
Tears Unnumbered Ye Shall Shed (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Julian Boyce
We Have Sworn (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Simon Crosby Buttle&George Newton-Fitzgerald
Blackheart! (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Laurence Cole&Volante Demo Chorus
Now What Ships and Rowers (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Stephen Wells&Simon Crosby Buttle&Volante Demo Chorus
Epilogue (Demo) - Paul Corfield Godfrey&Volante Sampled Orchestra