Sad, Scary, Funny Diary

Sad, Scary, Funny Diary

The regular story music, watching movies, reading novels ear ear motif to storytellers paetdu, (fatdoo) 7 homes released. Album title The 7th house is sad, scary, funny diary title as it is a sad story, scary stories, funny stories, funny configuration of the gathered album. The studio album existing paetdu of story leading to one of 30 to 40 tracks 7 the novel, yieotdamyeon this home is a collection of fragments consisting of different subjects per song. 'Paetdu favorite feature stories of various topics I'm greedy, but this time made of the short story collections. 8 Bernadette will return to the enormous scale of the full-length story could've seen so far, 'he said. San E, MC hansae, jeontaeik Enfant amount of snow Ridell.B, HEX, wonsseogen, L1, STi, talented rapper, vocalist joined a total of 17 tracks of this album, featuring Jean Once again, without exception, chapter 1 CD capacity scale thoroughly filling is ready. 'Snow', featuring Jean BJ, which owns a lot of fan base in Africa TV has created a pretty story, the amount of snow significantly paetdu like the usual amount of people watched the broadcast paetdu context to the amount of snow. Gave breathed breath jackets design held the the chapter authors yeohoe Mr. and brush and pen for the characters in the song. In addition, also consisting of CD + comic book your Oasis and given a chance to win the CD purchase various products paetdu lottery is enclosed 7 home track 'I'll 5 - monster boy -' together with the author yuyongryeol Mr., comic production was hapbonpaek for sale are. You can put this sad, scary, funny diary - 7 - storytelling musicians as much as lyrics aiming paetdu Calendar 100%, the efforts of a number of the main character and the story of its life consists of. Is house 7 May 10 CD, online, released at the same time.
