Oh My God !

Oh My God !

“오마이갓”은 긍정의 의미이던, 부정의 의미이던 감탄사인 것은 확실하다.
나의 매력은 불완전함과 끊임없는 성장에서 나온다고 생각한다. 누가 뭐라고 하던 사실 그다지 중요하지 않다.

One can never be sure if the expression ‘Oh My God’ is positive or negative, either way it is certainly an exclamation. Once you have a better understanding of exactly who you are, you won't care so much about what others think.


Executive producer soullette, Min Hyeop Park

Composed by 소울렛 soullette
Lyrics by 소울렛 soullette
Arranged by 소울렛 soullette, 박민협 Min Hyeop Park

Drums: 소울렛 soullette
Bass: 박민협 Min Hyeop Park
Keys: 진수영 Sooyoung Chin, 김주안 JUAN KIM
Chorus: 소울렛 soullette
Vocals: 소울렛 soullette

Mixed/mastered by Brad Wheeler
Artwork 연여인 Yeon Yeoin

Released through Beeline Records
Distributed by MOrecords


