Bach: Magnificat in D Major & Unser Mund set voll Lachens
Unser Mund set voll Lachens: Unser Mund set voll Lachens - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Unser Mund set voll Lachens: Ihr Gedanken und ihr Sinnen - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Unser Mund set voll Lachens: Dir, Herr, ist niemand gleich - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Unser Mund set voll Lachens: Ach Herr, was ist ein Menschenkind - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Unser Mund set voll Lachens: Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Unser Mund set voll Lachens: Wacht auf, ihr Adern und ihr Glieder - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Unser Mund set voll Lachens: Alleluja! Geblot sei Gott - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: Magnificat anima mea Dominum - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: Et exsultavit spiritus meus - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: Hoe schoon lichter de morghen ster - The Netherlands Bach Society&Dirck Janszoon Sweelinck&Jos van Veldhoven&Johann Sebastian Bach
Magnificat in D Major: Quia respexit humilitatem - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: Omnes generationes - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: Quia fecit mihi magna - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: Currite, pastores - The Netherlands Bach Society&Jan Baptist Verrijt&Jos van Veldhoven&Johann Sebastian Bach
Magnificat in D Major: Et misericordia - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: Fecit potentiam - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: O Jesulein, mein Jesulein - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Hermann Schein&Jos van Veldhoven&Johann Sebastian Bach
Magnificat in D Major: Desposuit potentes - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: Esurientes implevit bonis - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Michael Bach&Jos van Veldhoven&Johann Sebastian Bach
Magnificat in D Major: Suscepit Israel - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: Sicut locotus est - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven
Magnificat in D Major: Gloria Patri - The Netherlands Bach Society&Johann Sebastian Bach&Jos van Veldhoven