Big Handel Oratorio Box
Jephtha, HWV 70: Ouverture. Menuet - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Accompagnato: It must be so; Air: Pour forth no more - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: No more to Ammon's god and king - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: But Jephtha comes; Air: Virtue my soul shall still embrace - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Twill be a painful separation; Air: In gentle murmurs will I mourn - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Happy this embassy; Air: Dull delay, in piercing anguish - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Ill suits the voice of love; Air: Take the heart you fondly gave - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: I go, my soul; Duet: These labours past, how happy we - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: What mean these doubtful fancies; Accompagnato: If, Lord, sustained - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: O God, behold our sore distress - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Some dire event; Air: Scenes of horror, scenes of woe - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Say, my dear mother; Air: The smiling dawn of happy days - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Such, Jephtha, was the haughty king's reply; Chorus: When his loud voice in thunder spoke - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Glad tidings of great Joy; Chorus: Cherub and Seraphim - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Air. Up the dreadful steep ascending - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Tis well, haste, haste, ye maidens; Air: Tune the soft melodious lute - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Heav'n smiles once more - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Aria: His mighty - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: In glory high - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Symphony - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Hail, glorious conqueror!; Aria: Welcome as the cheerful light; Semi-Chrorus: Welcome thou - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Horror! Horror!; Aria: Open thy marble jaws - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Why is my brother thus afflicted - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: First perish thou - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: If such thy cruel purpose; Aria: On me let blind mistaken zea - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Quartet: O spare your daughter - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Such news flies swiftly; Recitative: For joys so vast; Aria: Happy they - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Deeper and deeper still - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: How dark, O Lord, are Thy decrees - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Hide thou thy hated beams - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: A father, off'ring up his only child; Aria: Waft her, angels - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Ye sacred priests; Aria: Farewell, ye limpid springs - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: Doubtful fear - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Symphony - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Rise Jephtha; Aria: Happy, Iphis, shalt thou live - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Aria: For ever blessed be thy holy name - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: Theme sublime of endless praise - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: Let me congratulate; Aria: Laud her, all ye virgin train - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: O let me fold thee; Aria: Sweet as sight to the blind - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: With transport, Iphis; Aria: 'Tis heav'n's all-ruling power - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Recitative: My faithful Hamor; Aria: Freely I to heav'n resign; Quintet: All that is in Hamor mine - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Jephtha, HWV 70: Chorus: Ye house of Gilead - Reri Grist&Johannes Somary&English Chamber Orchestra&Maureen Forrester
Saul, HWV 53: Overture; Chorus: How excellent thy name, O Lord - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Air: An infant rais'd by Thy command - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Trio: Along the monster atheist strode; Chorus: The youth inspir'd by Thee, O Lord - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: How excellent Thy name, O Lord - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Behold, O King; Air: O King, your favours with delight - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Oh,early piety!; Recitative: Thou, Merab, first in birth; Air: My soul rejects the thought with scorn - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Air: See, with what a scornful air - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Symphony - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Already see the daughters of the land; Chorus: Welcome, welcome, mighty king! - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: What do I hear? Am I then sunk so low; Chorus: David his ten thousands slew - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Accompagnato: To him ten thousands, and to me but thousands!; Air: With rage I shall burst his praises to hear! - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Imprudent women! Air: Fell rage and black despair possess'd - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Racked with infernal pains; Air: O Lord, whose mercies numberless - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: 'Tis all in vain; Air: A serpent, in my bosom warm'd - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Has he escap'd my rage? Accompagnato: O filial piety!; Air: No, cruel father, no! - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Preserve him for the glory of Thy name - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Chorus: Envy, eldest born of hell - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Hast thou obey'd my orders; Air: Sin not, O King - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Air: As great Jehovah lives, I swear; Air: From cities stormed, and battles won - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: Appear, my friend - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir
Saul, HWV 53: Recitative: A father's will has authorized my love; Duet: O fairest of ten thousand fair - Mogens Woldike&Vienna Sym Orch&Laurence Dutoit&Copenhagen Boys Choir