Savage and the Zen (Explicit)
ShilohZen is a Conscious Rap artist from Central Florida. A previous member and producer for Educated Spit, ShilohZen first teamed up with Savage Sound System in 2009 on “Nothing here works, but your works.” A few projects later, ShilohZen and sSs formed a musical bond that transcends the distance and in “Savage and the Zen” we hear a tight grimy fusion of underground hip hop, punk, rock and reggae layered with conscious lyrics. ShilohZen delivers a wicked flow of enlightening Imagery with his talent for slaying the beat, laying down some potent word craft while sSs brings the solid mastery of melody, rhythm and music. More than just another Independent Hip Hop Album, “Savage and the Zen” provides the listener with a captivating awakening experience that leads one down a path of individual freedom and takes you through the veil of cultural illusions. Savage and the Zen is definitely in the Zone!
The Savage Sound System combines elements of trip-hop, breakbeat electronica and post-punk. An international collective based in Scotland, work ranges from live performances to studio based recordings with artists from all over the globe. On this LP sSs founder AlexisSs Collaborates with ShilohZen to create an LP of varied vibes which also feature guest appearance from Sacre Noir and Werd (Sons of Scotland), as well as occasional samples from Cassandra the Seer, and Dezuz Maximus AKA Drake D.
Walk through the Veil of Cultural Illusion and look yourself straight in the Soul..