The Best of Depeche Mode, Vol. 1

The Best of Depeche Mode, Vol. 1

《Catching Up with Depeche Mode》 is a compilation released only in North America by British band Depeche Mode on November 11, 1985.As the title suggests it was an attempt to let the (American) public catch up with the band's four previous LP's, by including singles and album songs. The compilation contains the band's singles not already available on the People Are People compilation, as well as the band's two most recent B-sides, "Flexible" and "Fly on the Windscreen".The compilation is the analog to The Singles 81》85 which was released at the same time in Britain, which contained only the band's 7" singles to date. The name "Catching Up With" was chosen as Depeche Mode were enjoying their first significant commercial success in North America, and this compilation was a means of the public "catching up" with their earlier work. A majority of the tracks included weren't released as singles in North America, and the ones that were had not achieved widespread success, so they were effectively brand new songs to m
