

JERO encounter with an ax (Dok2) seeking the trend of Urban R & B, 'Paradise'

Another attractive aspect of JERO claimed to be witty in a single album, 'airplane'.
The album also preceded the detail and expressiveness that does sound like a rookie group, under the direction of producing iconic Sounds and tell the sound to add fullness to vocals.
Title song 'Paradise' is a song of longing for loved music lover, zero was directly involved in the lyrics.
Wrap the ax to emerge from the jungbanbu gives populated the margins of the song properly exercised its unique presence to nearly zero and odd Chemie.
The shooting splits his time between the United States hangukwa music videos are more richly describe the mood of the song through the exotic yet understated atmosphere.

[Paradise Credit]
- Executive Producer: ECHO GLOBAL GROUP
- Music Produced by ICONIC SOUNDS
- A & R Direction & Coordination by gimgeunuk
- Publishing & Copyright Clearance by gimyongsin, songyunsu

- Composed by Maxx Song, Secret Weapon, Hendricks
- Lyrics by JERO
- Rap by Dok2
- Arranged by Secret Weapon
- Background vocals by Jero & Maxx Song
- Protools operated by LA refinery @iconic studio
- Digital edited by yijihong @doobdoob studio
- Mixed by Maxx Song @ Iconic Studio
- Mastered by seongjihun @ JFS Mastering
- Artwork & Designed by
- Music Video Director Thomas Ko @ Iconic Sounds
- Edited by gangjinmo


