

少年, 遇到 了 诱惑! 防弹 少年 团, 正规 2 辑 'WINGS' 发售!
主打 歌 '血 汗 泪' 蕴含 着 陷入 诱惑 的 青春期 的 矛盾 与 成长!
最初 收录 了 防弹 少年 团 全员 的 solo 单曲! 蕴含 成员 们 的 自传 故事!

防弹 少年 团 正规 2 辑 'WINGS' 发售. 通过 '花样 年华' 系列 迎来 人生 最 美丽 瞬间 的 防弹 少年 团, 放下 过去 的 时间, 重新 站在 新 的 大 门前. 将于 10 月 10 日 发售 的'WINGS' 是 表达 少年 出生 以来 第 一次 与 诱惑 相见, 翱翔 陷入 苦恼 和 矛盾 的 歌曲. 苦痛 和 欢喜 反复 交替 的 七名 少年, 让人 联想 到 破 壳 的 鸟儿 展翅.

主打 歌 '血 汗 泪' 是 全世界 的 pop 市场 上 人气 高涨 的 Moombahton Trap 类型 歌曲. 稍微 减弱 了 一直 以来 防弹 少年 团 展示 给 我们 粗犷 强烈 的 形象, 重点 是 加入 了 性感 魅力. 带走 喻 指 我们一切 的 '血 汗 泪' 这样 的 歌词 '明知 还是 吞下 拿着 盛着 毒 的 圣杯' 这样 的 歌词 展现 了 少年 陷入 了 无法 拒绝 的 诱惑, 无比 混乱 的 心境. 表达 人生 会 必 经 恶 的 影子,他人 和 外部 世界 的 矛盾 等 成长 的 过程 .'WINGS '很好 地 表现 了 专辑 整体 的 主题.

遇到 诱惑 的 少年 们 从头到脚 破格 变身. 像是 被 什么 迷惑 般, 即使 筋疲力尽. 挑衅 的 眼神, 绚烂 的 灯光, 卧室 和 睡衣, 四处 飞扬 的 柔软 羽毛, 镜子 前锋 利 的 碎片 和 强调 散乱 的发型 和 眼神 的 妆容. 照片 中 防弹 少年 团 完美 地 消化 了 青涩 少年 的 性感 魅力. 出道 后 首次 发行 4 种 小分队 专辑. 包括 JIN 的 全部 成员 J-HOPE-V, SUGA, JIMIN, Rap Monster-柾 国 的 完美 的 化学 反应, 照片 按照 各 版本 多样 地 收录 其中.

超大型 布景 中 拍摄 主题 曲 '血 汗 泪' 的 MV. 防弹 少年 团 投入 了 至今 为止 最多 的 数量. 作为 深受 全世界 喜爱 的 明星, 彰显 了 与 新生 的 防弹 少年 团 的 相符 的 规模. 快速 展开的 影像 中, 概念 照 中 成员 们 好像 进入 影像 中, 展现 了 极具 情感 的 表演. 在 预告 中 还 出现 了 苹果, 各色 颜料, 风琴, 镜子 等. 各种各样 的 要素 在 MV 处处 可见. 给大家 解开 'WINGS' 专辑 谜题 的 另类 乐趣. 此外, 在 这次 专辑 也 能 欣赏 到 以 台风 表演 闻名 的 防弹 少年 团 一如既往 帅气 的 群舞.

这次 专辑 的 特别之处 是, 2013 年 出道 后 最初 收录 了 防弹 少年 团 成员 的 个人 solo 单曲. 改编 各 成员 的 自传 故事 创作 而成 的 solo 单曲, 穿插 在 在 事先 公开 的 预告 里. 虽然是 短短 的 2 ~ 3 分 也 展现 了 高 水准 的 影像 美. 大大 提升 了 对 回归 的 期待 感.

防弹 少年 团 最新 专辑 由 国内外 超 豪华 的 制作 人 共同 打造 .Pdogg, "hitman" bang (方 时 赫), Slow Rabbit, Supreme Boi 等 大 热 师团 为首, 加上 Dynamic Duo 的 Gaeko, Primary, Philtre等 国内 音乐 人. 还有 与 Britney Spears, Rihanna, Beyonce, Justin Bieber 一同 创作 的 美国 制作 人 Tricky Stewart. 致力于 提高 音乐 上 的 完成 度. 此外 与 Jessie J, Selena Gomez 一同 创作 的 James F. Reynolds,与 Chris Brown 和 David Guetta 一同 创作 的 Jaycen Joshua, 担任 格莱美 奖 获得者 Bob Horn, Kanye West 和 Drake 的 专辑 混音 的 Ken Lewis 也 担任 这次 专辑 的 混音 工作 .'WINGS '集结 国内外 大热 的 制作 人, 诞生 历代 以来 最强 专辑.

Boy Meets temptation! Bulletproof Boy Scouts, the regular second album 'WINGS' released!
Title song 'Blood sweat and tears "to the conflict damda and growth of the youth fell into temptation!
The first members of power Bulletproof Boy Scouts solo! Contains autobiographical story of the members!

Bulletproof Boy Scouts have regular releases second album 'WINGS'. Bulletproof Boy Scouts through the "Mood for Love" series celebrated its most beautiful moments of your life in front of stood back and once again new doors for the last time. 10 'WINGS' to be released May 10, is the very first song of the boy, and conflicts have faced temptations and distress. In the wake flies to know the appearance of the seven boys to repeat the climb and the pain and joy reminiscent of the wings of the birds.

Title song 'Blood sweat and tears' is a song of Moombahton Trap pop genre that gained popularity in the world market and put the focus on to highlight the sexy appeal except a little strength in the rough image for Bulletproof Boy Scouts showed intense. This means that in all things' blood sweat and tears "to get garaneun lyrics or confusing the minds of the missing boy that can not be denied, lyrics such as" knowingly poisoned chalice swallowed temptation may well reveal. Maybe once expresses the 'WINGS' main theme of the whole album, a song about the process of growth, just opposite the shadow of evil and conflict with the outside world and others that hit well in life.

The boy had met the temptation to turn into unconventional from head to toe. Up to highlight the eyes languidly, yet provocative, colorful lighting, bedrooms and pajamas, of neolrin soft feathers everywhere, sharp shards of mirror in front, and matted hair and eyes as if possessed by something. Bulletproof Boy Scouts in the photo is produce wonderfully sexy digest visual appeal of yiyulbae general of the lively boy. Stars 4 kinds of units for the first time after the release of his debut album, the members including Jean-hop Jay-Baden, Sugar - Jimin, Monster Lab - photos showing the perfect chemistry of the political situation that was recorded by a variety of versions.

Gotta title of the song 'Blood Sweat Tears "music video, shot in super sets the volume turned up to Bulletproof Boy Scouts ever boast a scale commensurate with name value Bulletproof Boy Scouts of reborn as a star beloved around the world. Image that is deployed at a faster rate shows the director seems sensible concept to enter in members still picture in the video. Also apples, the multi-colored paints, organ, various elements that appeared in the short film, they're a mirror melts into the music video brings a different fun places to let out the 'WINGS' album hidden in the puzzle. In addition to the famous Bulletproof Boy Scouts like a usual performance this time also added a watch showcase the unwavering sword choreography fun.

This album has gotta first time since 2013 solo debut The individual members of the Boy Scouts add that special bulletproof. Adaptation of the autobiographical story of each member solo songs with angry lyrics were also inserted into a short film (Short Film) released in advance. Short film combines the cinematic and theatrical elements, characteristics were released over a total of seven members each piece, despite the short amount of around 2 to 3 minutes and show a high level of visuals raised hopes for a comeback.

Bulletproof Boy Scouts are also focused breathing with domestic and international luxury seutaepjin in this album. Pdogg, "hitman" bang (bangsihyeok), Slow Rabbit, Supreme Boi such a big hit four and led by a dynamic duo of baboons, primary, filters, and domestic musicians, as well as Britney Spears, Rihanna, Beyonce, Justin Bieber and working together to the United States of Tricky Stewart who was involved as a producer focused on increasing musical maturity. In addition, Jessie J, Selena Gomez and the work that James F. Reynolds, Chris Brown and David Guetta work together as one Jaycen Joshua, Grammy Award winner Bob Horn, Kanye West and Drake's album mixes a progress bar on the album Ken Lewis take the mix 'WINGS' was born in the former class manufacturers hit albums and abroad participated en masse.

1. Intro: Boy Meets Evil
The intro song marking the beginning of the 'WINGS'. "School Trilogy 'and' Mood for Love 'tells the Rap Monster and SUGA a powerful, yet full of j-hope groove receiving the baton after the intro of runners who did each lap in the series. Dark Future Bass, while the song of the genre on the basis of a jazzy hip-hop, which contains the state of mind of the boy met the temptations of the devil. Gotta come back into the trailer collected the topic of dokmu j-hope dancer, who is also representing Bulletproof Boy Scouts were also getting an explosive reaction.

2. Blood Sweat Tears
Title song 'Blood sweat and tears' is a song based on one of Moombahton Trap Reggae genre, recently strongly reflects the latest trends, Dance hall, Moombahton getting a lot of love in the pop music market. As sexy and toned vocals wrap rideut naebaetneun put the emphasis will be offering a unique charm that could not be met from existing Bulletproof Boy Scouts music. Rap Monster and SUGA, j-hope this has shown a more mature musical skills involved in the work song, the chorus of Jimin and political situation was more richly decorated with addictive melody lines. Selena Gomez, Pixie Lott, Calvin Harris for including 'No More Dream', 'I NEED U', 'jjeoleo', 'RUN', 'burning spout (FIRE)', such as bulletproof Boy Scouts representative song of the mix, who served the British well-known engineer James F. Reynolds has joined the mix in this work, blood sweat and tears. "

3. Begin
September is the first solo hero in the public political short films. Members of the solo songs of inserting the short film was released first. The Future R & B and Tropical House gotta be suitably combined create a dreamlike and mysterious atmosphere. Is the honest expression of political gamjeongseon for the first meeting with Bulletproof Boy Scouts members include lyrics such as "nothing unprecedented or of fifteen, '' There are two types emotions got me I got." While most trendy of solo songs by the members of the seven people that feel unique songs, a remarkable delicacy and emotional vocals of the political situation.

4. Lie
A second solo protagonist of the short film was Jimin, president and producer active in Taiji Band keyboardist Kim Dax (Doc Skim), and the singer-songwriter Sumin took on the production. As to the first lie and the bad and deeper and deeper into the mire immersive situations, it contains the anguish of the boy struggling to escape in it. Spanish guitar and the impact that rhythm tracks, and cool vocal melody curl is impressive. Powerful yet gentle voice of Jimin that have a maturity of emotions at the same time added the song.

5. Stigma
Neo Soul is the solo Vuitton style. While the camp through a producer of producing filter (Philtre) gave birth to the song of chic. He gave his guilt to hurt someone's fault, and this is the stigma which contains the story constantly suffer. The heavy impact piano and the brass section, the sensual laid-back (Laid Back) blend harmoniously with rhythm. Baden is a husky vocals, bass and falsetto travels between the viewing point of the song.

6. First Love
MISS SUGA SUGA and composer of one KAY produced with the solo song 'First Love' is a hip-hop song is magnificent string orchestra and piano sounds compelling. Cool rap song that starts with chidatneun is increasingly intense in the second half. Town and crosses the scenes are switched Just as with the passage of the orchestra and rap lyrics, the melodies of oriental mystery piano form a low, yet solemn atmosphere. Can glimpse the passion for music with piano music in the childhood story first started with SUGA.

7. Reflection
Special Album 'Mood for Love Young Forever' is a PBR & B Hip Hop Songs Rap Monster's newly produced demonstrated competence as a producer in the first. The eonhyeojin dreamy synth sounds on a simple bit captivates the ear. The introduction gotta ambience inserted directly recorded from Rap Monster often find Ttukseom to form a consensus. Intense wraps mainly judeon Rap Monster is heard melodies while slowly curl eulpjorineun like this song was wrapped in maximizing the atmosphere of a vintage one.

j-hope for a solo song 'MAMA' is a primary characteristic jazzy old-school hip-hop sensibilities involved as a producer has gotta well represented. This blend of rhythmic scratches and a bit dreamy synth, DJ Friz create a unique mood. By j-hope hopeful emotion and energy is compelling songs, a heartfelt message to reliably convey two grown sons dolyikimyeo the last day of the strike the difficult mother impressed.

9. Awake
Decoration of the end of the short film is a gin solo. In the lyrical style R & B song, he was leading participant in the composer Jean. 'Awake' is a song called Lonely Boy and the desire to stand alone. Start with gin clear vocals reminiscent of a pure boy seemed as if passing through the gates of the increasingly explosive growth it won the gamjeongseon in chorus. Guitarist of sweet piano and string melodies, British rock gotta feeling, combined with a strong rhythm and completed the dramatic atmosphere of the song.

10. Lost
A unit of song vocal lines that could meet only in the album Bulletproof Boy Scouts of Outro meantime, Rap Monster have joined the lyricist. Likened the state of mind of the boy wandering lost in the 'ant' er remarkable representation of the creative gaze. I can appreciate the intense energy of the bullet-proof, yet lyrical Boy Scouts, etc. could feel only 'I NEED U', 'Save ME'.

11. BTS Cypher 4
Rihanna's 'Umbrella', Beyonce's 'Single Ladies', Justin Bieber's 'Baby', Mariah Carey's 'Touch My Body', such as global superstar of numerous hit songs for manufacturing a producer Tricky Stewart specially Bulletproof Boy Scouts and for this cypher We have created a track, take a dab Jaycen Joshua is a mix of the most popular mixing engineers in the United States can watch the latest American original hip-hop sound. In the meantime, a series of cypher eoteuna to focus to show the ability of the wrapper wraps the line this time focused to deliver the message and style of relaxed a little song.

12. Am I Wrong
In the meantime, 'No More Dream', 'the man', 'I NEED U', 'jjeoleo', 'baepsae', Save ME 'Bulletproof Boy Scouts, etc. have been working on the album in the mix Sam Klempner, James F. Reynolds and Josh Wilkinson this ventured specifically as a producer for bulletproof Boy Scouts. A country style guitar and harmonica sound charming song, a hip-hop song that refined taste. 'Am I Wrong' has contained a frank gaze of the only bulletproof Boy Scouts of recent social conditions. Previously announced "jjeoleo ',' baepsae 'as a song as the context, cool naked coming in to tweak the lyrics are a stone fastball frustrating reality.

13.21 Century Girl
21st Century Girl reminiscent of the early days of Bulletproof Boy Scouts' is a powerful hip-hop songs full of energy and wit of Bulletproof Boy Scouts only. We live in the 21st century is both beautiful and precious and contains a positive message that people love you deserve. I do not have to feel bored break gave thanks to the change of sound for each part makes the experience seem song 'll end in an instant.

14. Both! Three! (Though more often a good day)
Bulletproof Boy Scouts somehow entered the fourth year is the debut paensong the charge to fans. 'couple! Three! "Is the slogan itgido before coming to greet written so far since June 2013 debut, has a special meaning Bulletproof Boy Scouts to connect with fans. 'couple! Three! "To the fans that have always speak with great power for the past two days contained faced with serious micheo it did preach. Everything, including the use of the instrument and rhythm gorgeous song that does not feel the warm heart than any song, you can see the love of the fans towards Bulletproof Boy Scouts.

15. Interlude: Wings
In the meantime, Bulletproof Boy Scouts is the house once a heap-based Grove House who have never heard (Hip House) genre of music. The strong will of boys who want a strong faith and moving forward on its own was aimed at expressing the wings. The last song of the album, but the song by the group to notice a change in the musical show coming Bulletproof Boy Scouts then move raises expectations for the future.


