Violin Sonatas (American) - SCHOENFELD, P. / STUCKY, S. / HARBISON, J. (Three American Sonatas) [Cho-Liang Lin, J.K. Parker]

Violin Sonatas (American) - SCHOENFELD, P. / STUCKY, S. / HARBISON, J. (Three American Sonatas) [Cho-Liang Lin, J.K. Parker]

The three sonatas on this recording were written at the behest of violinist Cho-Liang Lin, who worked closely with each composer at their premiere performance. Paul Schoenfeld’s Violin Sonata references literary influences and the composer’s past as well as his Jewish heritage in the work’s final Freilach or ‘joyous dance.’ Steven Stucky acknowledged Debussy as the source of inspiration in his work, while the alchemy of John Harbison’s style creates music that is simultaneously abstract and narrative. Wryly introduced as “crazy modern music,” Bernstein’s brief Canon for Aaron was composed for Copland’s 70th birthday celebrations.
