Chakra Healing Energies
“Chakra”即脉轮,又作气轮。是以一种开放且有趣的方式来平衡我们的七个能量中心。经由查克拉的旋转,能量被吸收,然后又再度释放。这些查克拉传送生命的能量,让我们得以生存。 当一个或更多的查克拉被阻碍,或者失衡,则可能造成疾病的发生。而借着能量的振动,我们将能够重建平衡。
Alberto Grollo 独自发行的《Chakra Healing Energies》专辑,以种族和部族音乐为背景, 伴随声音疗法与冥想。综合运用吉他、钢琴、dijeridoo、长笛、鼓塔夫拉和非洲民族乐之间建立和谐的关联,从而产生普遍的疗愈能源与动力。来感受聆听的效果吧。(See2say.com 看道)
Chakra Healing Energies reflects two decades of experience as a music of Alberto Grolla, which has experienced a series of best sellers in music therapy, music perfect to balance the flow of vital and unblock the chakras. Each of the chakras is sensitive to a specific musical note and the instrumentation used for this album helps to channel the energy and stimulate the power of chakras: the music of “Chakra Healing Energies” creates a nice ethnic and tribal background and are also well to accompany therapy and meditation. Guitar, piano, dijeridoo, flute, tabla and African drums create a link between the universal energy and the human body through the doors of the seven chakras.