Archiv Produktion - Paul McCreesh
Canzona No. 14 à 10 (C207) - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Symphony - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Fanfare I (Riedl) + Fanfare II (Augustiner) - Paul McCreesh&Gabrieli
Overture - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Canción (untitled) a 6 - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
No. 10 Choral: "Ich bin's, ich sollte büssen" - Deborah York&Julia Gooding&Magdalena Kožená&Susan Bickley&Mark Padmore&James Gilchrist&Peter Harvey&stephan loges&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Allegro - Paul McCreesh&Gabrieli
Larghetto - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Organo ad libitum - Timothy Roberts
Allegro - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Andante larghetto - Paul McCreesh&Gabrieli
Sonata XIII - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Gloria - Paul McCreesh&Gabrieli
Overture - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Pasquini: Toccata - James Johnstone
Bring Us, O Lord God - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
"Ombra mai fu" - Rolando Villazón&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
"Lord, what is man, lost man?", Z.192 - Charles Daniels&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Timothy Roberts
"O Solitude", Z.406 - Susan Hemington Jones&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Paula Chateauneuf
"In the black, dismal dungeon of despair", Z.190 - Angus Smith&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Paula Chateauneuf&Fred Jacobs&Timothy Roberts
"Lord, I can suffer thy rebukes", Z.136 - Susan Hemington Jones&Tessa Bonner&Julian Podger&Peter Harvey&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Paula Chateauneuf&Fred Jacobs&Timothy Roberts
Voluntary in G, Z720 - Timothy Roberts
"In guilty night" (Saul and the Witch of Endor) , Z.134 - Susan Hemington Jones&Charles Daniels&Christopher Purves&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Paula Chateauneuf&Fred Jacobs&Timothy Roberts
Voluntary in C, Z717 - Timothy Roberts
"Plung'd in the confines of despair", Z.142 - Charles Daniels&Angus Smith&Christopher Purves&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Paula Chateauneuf&Fred Jacobs
"Awake, ye dead", Z.182 - Peter Harvey&Christopher Purves&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Paula Chateauneuf&Fred Jacobs&Timothy Roberts
"The earth trembled", Z.197 - Tessa Bonner&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Timothy Roberts
"My op'ning eyes are purg'd", Z.D72 - Christopher Purves&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Timothy Roberts
"With sick and famish'd eyes", Z.200 - Charles Daniels&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Paula Chateauneuf&Timothy Roberts
Ground in C, Z.D221 - Timothy Roberts
O, I'm sick of life, Z140 - Charles Daniels&Angus Smith&Christopher Purves&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Paula Chateauneuf&Fred Jacobs&Timothy Roberts
"Close thine eyes", Z.184 - Susan Hemington Jones&Peter Harvey&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh&Paula Chateauneuf&Timothy Roberts
Purcell: Funeral Sentences for the death of Queen Mary II (1695) - Man..., Z27 - In the midst, Z17B - Thou knowest, Z58B - Charles Daniels&Paul McCreesh&Christopher Purves&Peter Harvey&Timothy Roberts&Angus Smith&Susan Hemington Jones&Tessa Bonner&Julian Podger&Simon Berridge&Gabrieli
Sacristy bell - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Organ: Intonazione - Timothy Roberts
Versicle & Response: Deus in adiutorium / Domine ad adiuvandum - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Antiphon: Angelus Domini - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Psalm 109: "Dixit Dominus" - Susan Hemington Jones&David Hurley&Robert "Bob The Builder" Horn&Andrew Tusa&Peter Harvey&Tessa Bonner&Timothy Wilson&Mark le Brocq&Charles Daniels&Jonathan Best&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
O intemerata - Charles Daniels&Paul McCreesh&Gabrieli
Beata es Maria - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Laudate pueri dominum (II) , SV 271 - Charles Daniels&Paul McCreesh&Angus Smith&Susan Hemington Jones&Tessa Bonner&Gabrieli&Jonathan Best
Organ: Suonata prima - Timothy Roberts
Antiphon: Beatam me dicent - Paul McCreesh&Gabrieli
Laetatus sum (I) , SV 198 - Susan Hemington Jones&Tessa Bonner&Charles Daniels&Andrew Tusa&Peter Harvey&Jonathan Best&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Motet: "O Maria, quae rapis corda hominum" - Paul McCreesh&Timothy Wilson&David Hurley&Gabrieli
Antiphon: Haec est quae nescavit - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Psalm 126: "Nisi Dominus" - Paul McCreesh&Peter Harvey&Timothy Wilson&David Hurley&Gabrieli
Organ: Dialogo secondo - Timothy Roberts
Antiphon: Ante thronum - Paul McCreesh&Gabrieli
Psalm 147: "Lauda Jerusalem" - David Hurley&Charles Daniels&Angus Smith&Peter Harvey&Timothy Wilson&Robert "Bob The Builder" Horn&Andrew Tusa&Adrian Peacock&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Motet: "O quam tu pulchra es" - Paul McCreesh&Susan Hemington Jones&Gabrieli
Praeambulum - Timothy Roberts
Ecce virgo - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Deus qui mundum crimine iacentem, SV 278a - Charles Pott&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Versicle & Response: Ave Maria / Dominus tecum - Paul McCreesh&Gabrieli
Antiphon: Spiritus Sanctus - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Magnificat - Charles Daniels&Paul McCreesh&Peter Harvey&Susan Hemington Jones&Tessa Bonner&Charles Pott&Robert "Bob The Builder" Horn&Gabrieli&Andrew Tusa&Jonathan Best
Sonata con tre violini in eco - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Marini: Sonate, symphonie, canzoni, opera ottava (1626) - Collect: Dominus vobiscum - Deus, qui de beatae Mariae - Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Laudate Dominum in sanctis eius, SV 287 - Paul McCreesh&Angus Smith&Gabrieli
Organ: Intonazione (Excerpt & Arr. Timothy Roberts) - Timothy Roberts
Motet: "Salve regina" - Charles Daniels&Paul McCreesh&Peter Harvey&Fred Jacobs&Paula Chateauneuf&Celia Harper&Gabrieli
Taedet animam meam - william lyons&Gabrieli&Paul McCreesh
Introitus: Requiem aeternam - Paul McCreesh&Gabrieli&william lyons