Taking L'$

Taking L'$

Taking L’s is Ozay Moore’s first record in more than five years, and it has that classic hip-hop feel while achieving a whole new level of depth and honesty. The rooted concept of this record is that not every loss you take in life is negative. As this concept propels the album forward, the genius of Ozay Moore (along with the efficiency of 14KT’s production) is in the way he combines the hard-hitting elements of hip-hop with reflections on his life and how the world has changed since he first became an artist. On Taking L’s, Ozay talks about his family and his kids (“Pillow Thoughts”), reflects on who we are as people and how to grow universally (“PSA”), warns of daily L’s that surround us such as substance abuse (“The Fix”) and explains his own need for change in direction (“Insufficient Funs”). With his stylistic delivery and compounding rhymes that fit with his storytelling, along with the accompanying production by the masterful 14KT, Ozay molds this album into a statement and testament about life. What becomes clear about Taking L’s is that it’s necessary to reflect on the complexities of life in order to grow. There are times of elation and warmth that are sternly balanced out with inevitable moments of pain and sorrow. And it’s here where Ozay reminds us of the power of vulnerability, and that when one door closes another opens somewhere else. With all of the self-absorbed music being made these days, Taking L’s removes the glitz and glam that is often exaggerated in popular music. Instead, this record shares insights and tells stories about love, family, supporting your community and how society has changed in a way that is as relatable as it is insightful. There is no doubt that Taking L’s is a welcome and long-awaited addition to the musical archives of hip-hop culture, and it should be noted that as a whole, this record is just as much a reflection on life and growth as it is a musical piece. credits released 09 June 2014
