Viardot: Le dernier sorcier
Le dernier sorcier: Overture - Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: In a Great Forest, in a Land Far, Far Away - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Par ici - Eric Owens&Sarah Brailey&Manhattan Girls Chorus&Myra Huang&Michelle Oesterle
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Not Far from the Forest, in a Neighboring Kingdom - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Dans le bois frais et sombre - Adriana Zabala&Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Knowing That Prince Lelio Cannot Risk Being Seen - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Ramasse cette rose - Jamie Barton&Liana Pailodze Harron
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Alone and Frustrated, Krakamiche Laments His Lost Powers - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Ah, la sotte existence - Eric Owens&Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Stella Overhears Krakamiche Bellowing - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Coulez, coulez, gouttes fines - Camille Zamora&Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: The Fairy Queen Appears Again - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Sur les yeux de ton père - Jamie Barton&Liana Pailodze Harron
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Krakamiche's Hapless Servant Perlimpinpin Sings with Longing of His Glory Days - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Quand j'étais un géant - Michael Slattery&Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: A Triumphant March Announces the Arrival of the Cochinese Dignitaries - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: March - Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Krakamiche Is Eager to Try the Magic Moly Herb That Will Restore His Power - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Tourne, tourne comme un tonton - Eric Owens&Manhattan Girls Chorus&Myra Huang&Michelle Oesterle
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Exhausted and Half-Dead from His Mad Dance, Krakamiche Escapes into His Hut - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: Compagnes ailées - Sarah Brailey&Manhattan Girls Chorus&Myra Huang&Michelle Oesterle
Le dernier sorcier, Act I: The Following Afternoon, Lelio Counts the Minutes Until Nightfall - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Pourrais-je jamais aimer - Adriana Zabala&Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Inside the Cramped Hut, Krakamiche and Stella Sit Together - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Mélodrame - Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Stella Asks Krakamiche to Rest and Forget the Insult Inflicted upon Him by the Fairies - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Si tu ne sais pas - Eric Owens&Camille Zamora&Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: As Krakamiche Continues His Search for the Missing, All-Powerful Spell - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Quand vient la saison fleurie - Camille Zamora&Adriana Zabala&Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Lelio Approaches, Assuring Stella That She Need Not Fear Her Father's Wrath - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: C'est moi, ne craignez rien - Camille Zamora&Adriana Zabala&Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Having Confessed His Feelings, Lelio Kneels Before Stella - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Loupprola, Schibbola, Trix - Eric Owens&Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Instead of a Monster, Krakamiche's Spell Brings Forth from the Earth a Little Goat - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Adieu, témoins de ma misère - Eric Owens&Camille Zamora&Adriana Zabala&Michael Slattery
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: A Wedding March Is Heard, and the Young Couple Bid a Grateful Farewell - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: O bienfaisante fée - Camille Zamora&Adriana Zabala&Myra Huang
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Krakamiche, Perlimpinpin, Lelio, and Stella Set Off for the Neighboring Kingdom - Trudie Styler
Le dernier sorcier, Act II: Salut! Salut! O forêt bien aimée - Sarah Brailey&Manhattan Girls Chorus&Myra Huang&Michelle Oesterle