T. S. Eliot: Murder in the Cathedral
Plainchant: Nunc Sancte nobis Spiritus (choir) - Robert Donat
Here let us stand, close by the cathedral (chorus) - Robert Donat
Seven years and the summer is over (First Priest, Second Priest, Third Priest, Messenger) - Robert Donat
Here is no continuing city (chorus, Second Priest) - Robert Donat
Peace, and let them be, in their exaltation (Thomas, Second Priest, First Priest) - Robert Donat
You see, my Lord, I do not wait upon ceremony (First Tempter, Thomas) - Robert Donat
Your Lordship has forgotten me, perhaps (Second Tempter, Thomas) - Robert Donat
I am an unexpected visitor (Third Tempter, Thomas) - Robert Donat
Well done, Thomas, your will is hard to bend (Fourth Tempter, Thomas) - Robert Donat
There is no rest in the house (chorus, Four Tempters, Three Priests) - Robert Donat
Now is my way clear (Thomas) - Robert Donat
Plainchant: Dominus vobiscum...In principio erat verbum (choir) - Robert Donat
Glory to God in the highest...Dear children of God (Thomas) - Robert Donat
Plainchant: Credo in unum Deum (choir) - Robert Donat
Does the bird sing in the South? (chorus) - Robert Donat
Since Christmas a day (First Priest, choir, Second Priest, Third Priest) - Robert Donat
Servants of the King (First Knight, First Priest, Second Knight, Third Knight, Fourth Knight, Thomas) - Robert Donat
You are the Archbishop in revolt against the King (Three Knights, Thomas, Fourth Knight) - Robert Donat
I have smelt them, the death-bringers (chorus) - Robert Donat
Peace, and be at peace with your thoughts and visions (Thomas, Three Priests) - Robert Donat
Plainchant: Dies irae (choir)...Numb the hand and dry the eyelid (chorus) - Robert Donat
Bar the door (Three Priests, Thomas) - Robert Donat
Where is Becket, the traitor to the King?/This way, my Lord! (Four Knights, Three Priests, Thomas) - Robert Donat
Clear the air! clean the sky! (chorus) - Robert Donat
We beg you to give us your attention (First Knight, Third Knight) - Robert Donat
I think we all agree that William de Traci has spoken well (First Knight, Second Knight) - Robert Donat
Morville has given us a great deal to think about (First Knight, Fourth Knight)...Plainchant: Dies irae (choir) - Robert Donat
O father, father, gone from us, lost to us (First Priest, Third Priest, Second Priest) - Robert Donat
We praise Thee, O God (chorus, monks)...Plainchant: Dies irae (choir) - Robert Donat