Britten: A Midsummer Night's Dream
Introduction - "Over Hill, over Dale, Thorough Bush" (Fairies, Puck) - Richard Hickox&Dexter Fletcher&Trinity Boys' Choir
"Oberon Is Passing Fell and Wrath" (Fairies, Oberon, Tytania) - Richard Hickox&James Bowman&Lillian Watson&Trinity Boys' Choir
"Well, Go Thy Way, Thou Shalt Not from This Grove" (Oberon, Puck) - Richard Hickox&Dexter Fletcher&James Bowman
"How Now My Love?" (Lysander, Hermia) - Richard Hickox&Della Jones&John Graham-Hall
"Be It on Lion, Bear, or Wolf" (Oberon, Demetrius, Helena) - Richard Hickox&Henry Herford&James Bowman&Jill Gomez
"Welcome Wanderer!" (Oberon) - Richard Hickox&James Bowman
"Is All Our Company Here?" (Quince, Bottom, Flute, Snout, Starveling, Snug) - Richard Hickox&Adrian Thompson&Andrew Gallacher&Donald Maxwell&Richard Suart&Robert Horn&Roger Bryson
"Fair Love, You Faint With Wand'ring in the Wood" (Lysander, Hermia) - Richard Hickox&Della Jones&John Graham-Hall
"Through the Frost Have I Gone" (Puck, Hermia) - Richard Hickox&Della Jones&Dexter Fletcher
"Stay, Thou Thou Kill Me" (Helena, Demetrius, Lysander, Hermia) - Richard Hickox&Della Jones&Henry Herford&Jill Gomez&John Graham-Hall
"Come, Now a Roundel and a Fairy Song" (Tytania) - Richard Hickox&Lillian Watson
"You Spotted Snakes with Double Tongues" (Fairies) - Richard Hickox&Trinity Boys' Choir
"What Thou Seest When Thou Dost Wake" (Oberon) - Richard Hickox&James Bowman
Introduction - Richard Hickox
"Are We All Met?" (Bottom, Flute, Snout, Starveling, Snug, Quince, Puck) - Richard Hickox&Adrian Thompson&Andrew Gallacher&Dexter Fletcher&Donald Maxwell&Richard Suart&Robert Horn&Roger Bryson
"I See Their Knavery" (Bottom, Tytania, Fairies) - Richard Hickox&Donald Maxwell&Lillian Watson&Trinity Boys' Choir
"Be Kind and Courteous to This Gentleman" (Tytania) - Richard Hickox&Lillian Watson
"Hail Mortal Hail" (Fairies, Bottom, Tytania) - Richard Hickox&Donald Maxwell&Lillian Watson&Trinity Boys' Choir
"I Have Reas'nable Good Ear in Music" (Bottom, Tytania) - Richard Hickox&Donald Maxwell&Lillian Watson
"How Now, Mad Spirit?" (Oberon, Puck, Demetrius, Hermia) - Richard Hickox&Della Jones&Dexter Fletcher&Henry Herford&James Bowman
"Flower of This Purple Dye" (Oberon, Puck, Lysander, Helena, Demetrius, Hermia) - Richard Hickox&Della Jones&Dexter Fletcher&Henry Herford&James Bowman&Jill Gomez&John Graham-Hall
"Puppet? Why, So?" (Hermia, Helena, Lysander, Demetrius, Puck) - Richard Hickox&Della Jones&Dexter Fletcher&Henry Herford&Jill Gomez&John Graham-Hall
"This Is Thy Negligence" (Oberon, Puck) - Richard Hickox&Dexter Fletcher&James Bowman
"Up and Down" (Puck, Lysander, Demetrius, Helena, Hermia) - Richard Hickox&Della Jones&Dexter Fletcher&Henry Herford&Jill Gomez&John Graham-Hall
"On the Ground, Sleep Sound" (Fairies) - Richard Hickox&Trinity Boys' Choir
"My Gentle Robin" (Oberon, Tytania, Puck) - Richard Hickox&Dexter Fletcher&James Bowman&Lillian Watson
"Helena! Hermia! Demetrius! Lysander!" (Demetrius, Lysander, Helena, Hermia) - Richard Hickox&Della Jones&Henry Herford&Jill Gomez&John Graham-Hall
"When My Cue Comes" (Bottom) - Richard Hickox&Donald Maxwell
"Have You Sent to Bottom's House?" (Quince, Starveling, Flute, Snout, Snug, Bottom) - Richard Hickox&Adrian Thompson&Andrew Gallacher&Donald Maxwell&Richard Suart&Robert Horn&Roger Bryson
"Now, Fair Hippolyta" (Theseus, Hippolyta, Helena, Hermia, Lysander, Demetrius) - Richard Hickox&Della Jones&Henry Herford&Jill Gomez&John Graham-Hall&Norman Bailey&Penelope Walker
"If We Offend" (Quince, Bottom, Flute, Snout, Starveling, Snug, Theseus, Hippolyta, Lysander, Demetrius, Helena, Hermia) - Richard Hickox&Adrian Thompson&Andrew Gallacher&Della Jones&Donald Maxwell&Henry Herford&Jill Gomez&John Graham-Hall&Norman Bailey&Penelope Walker&Richard Suart&Robert Horn&Roger Bryson
"Gentles, Perchance You Wonder at This Show" (Quince, Helena, Demetrius) - Richard Hickox&Henry Herford&Jill Gomez&Roger Bryson
"In This Same Interlude It Doth Befall" (Snout, Hermia, Lysander, Theseus) - Richard Hickox&Della Jones&John Graham-Hall&Norman Bailey&Robert Horn
"O Grim-Look'd Night" (Bottom, Theseus) - Richard Hickox&Donald Maxwell&Norman Bailey
"O Wall, Full Often Hast Thou Heard My Moans" (Flute, Bottom, Snout, Hippolyta, Theseus) - Richard Hickox&Adrian Thompson&Donald Maxwell&Norman Bailey&Penelope Walker&Robert Horn
"You Ladies, You Whose Gemtle Hearts Do Fear" (Snug, Hermia, Demetrius, Theseus) - Richard Hickox&Andrew Gallacher&Della Jones&Henry Herford&Norman Bailey
"This Lanthorn Doth the Horned Moon Present" (Starveling, Lysander, Theseus, Demetrius, Hippolyta, Helena, Hermia, Flute, Snug) - Richard Hickox&Adrian Thompson&Andrew Gallacher&Della Jones&Henry Herford&Jill Gomez&John Graham-Hall&Norman Bailey&Penelope Walker&Richard Suart
"Sweet Moon, I Thank Thee for Thy Sunny Beams" (Bottom, Hippolyta, Demetrius, Theseus) - Richard Hickox&Donald Maxwell&Henry Herford&Norman Bailey&Penelope Walker
"Asleep, My Love?" (Flute, Theseus, Lysander, Bottom) - Richard Hickox&Adrian Thompson&Donald Maxwell&John Graham-Hall&Norman Bailey
"Come, Your Bergomask" (Theseus, All) - Richard Hickox&Adrian Thompson&Andrew Gallacher&Della Jones&Donald Maxwell&Henry Herford&Jill Gomez&John Graham-Hall&Norman Bailey&Penelope Walker&Richard Suart&Robert Horn&Roger Bryson
"Now the Hungry Lion Roars" (Fairies, Puck, Oberon, Tytania) - Richard Hickox&Dexter Fletcher&James Bowman&Lillian Watson&Trinity Boys' Choir