Access Denied / Emotions

Access Denied / Emotions

Alter Ego welcomes Energy & Reminder to the label with their deep and heavily powered 2 track combo. Access Denied and Emotions easily cement a solid club sounding EP that we were only too happy to release. First up in the EP is Access Denied which encompasses a power hungry beat intertwined with a euphoric breakdown, uplifting melody and hand raising climax. Emotions is the name of the second track in the combo and like the first it also bares a heavy club groove. This track is dominated by the huge German sounding riff that simply raises the roof during the peak hours. Sonic Element worked his magic on his Access Denied remix. The end result is a superb, with a breakdown that oozes uplifting aura. A driving epic of a remix that's not too be missed. Canadian producer Exclipse also remixes Access Denied and takes his excellent rendition in an all new direction. His version repaints the vibe of track with an overcoat of pure emotion and brings a whole new style to the package. ReOrder roun
