Dirty Mind
Solartape is a due from Pretoria Mamelodi, founded in 2008 by Mduduzi Mbiza and Thabo Magopane. Their passion for music began in 2007 as Djs. Late in the year 2007 they persuaded music production. In September 2008 Solartape was then born. As time went by they debut their first EP in 2011, titled She's a legend in which they featured the sensational vocalist Judith Machaka under Ma Melody Records founded by Harris Mogale, who actually groomed Solartape to what they are thus far. Later on in 2012 came a remix, "DJ Marcuis and Rachel McDonald, The Antidotes - Everybody's Dancing (Solartape Remix)".
Mixed & Mastered By: Kat Dee @ Deep Night Studio
(c) Deep Night Entertainment
(p) Phat Kat Music
Distributor: Label Worx
For Licencing Email:
Contact No: 0722777763
Twitter: @DeepNightSA
Facebook: Deep Night Entertainment