Real Life Trap'n (Explicit)

Real Life Trap'n (Explicit)

Hailing from the Warm Springs, Ft. Belknap and Yakama indian reservations. Enrolled in the Warm Springs tribe of Oregon but grew up on the Ft. Belknap Assiniboine & Gro Ventre indian reservation in Lodge Pole, Montana with his grandfather George Berry-Speakthunder. After his grandfather passed away in 1995 he had moved back to Warm Springs, Ore. and had began spiraling down hill and out of control from his rampant alcohol and drug use, on an off the reservation. During this time Nate Vicious got his start at rapping and music at the age of 15 with his brothers/mentors Jsk, Juice, Lil Bull, Jode Goudy, Buffalo, Del Kapone and Tha Restless Savage from Str8 Savage Ent., 7Drumz and Big Chiefin' Records.

Recognizing having a problem with legal issues as a juvenile with alcohol an drugs, went against his grandmother's will to sign up in a private "all indian" boarding school named Sherman Indian High School in Riverside, Ca. There he cleaned up from drugs but was still drinking heavily. He began taking music lessons at the school and started taking his music serious there. Did his first EP called "F.A.D. - Nothin But Love" with only 250 cd's pressed up. Was at the school for 3yrs, shortly after was suspened from school for drinking and shipped back to Oregon. After returning back to school in Riverside he had withdrew from the school an moved to Lemoore, Ca. to continue doin music.

About the time he was turning 18 he had caught a gun possession and vehicle thieft charge and was later released and put on felony probation. When he got out of jail he never reported to probation and fled the state of California to hide out in Oregon only to be arrested in Portland, Oregon an extradited back to California 8mths later. After returning back to California to see a Superior Judge for tha outcome of his violation of felony probation, he was sentenced to 3yrs in a California State Prison and his music was put on hold.

As he was released from prison he had set up arrangements to transfer his parole to Oregon. He started doing his music when he got back home and had also hooked back up with Jsk again and was introduced to the RezHogs. Later to Record "Boss'd Up & Getn Money" a compliation album "not yet released" with them. And had other artist on the album around the area named Juice, Lil Bull, Native Mist, Bobbit, Lil Dubz and Evan Cochran. But at that time he was also back to his old ways and ended up violating his parole. Nate Vicious was sent back to California for a gun possession and a sales charge. And was returned back to prison, never to be able to transfer back to Oregon again. When released from prison he had nowhere to go and was told by a parole agent to report to a homeless shelter. But as prideful as he was never did. He made the decision to abscond parole and flee the state of California. When he returned back to Oregon "on the run" from California parole, he began to push d**e again. Music was still a big part of his life then, although he was heading down the wrong path. He started a crew called "Indian Pride" or "I.P." from which he adopted from a prison gang in California he was involved with while incarcerated. During this time he recorded 75+ songs "not yet released" on his label which included his cousin Bruce-E's "EP" album, "Tha Indian Priderz" album and the "Hog'n Ova Game Mixtape Vol.1". And was also in the process to start recording a album for his friend Lil dubz on the H.O.G. label.

While on the run from his parole, Nate Vicious was later arrested in Warm Springs for yet another gun possession and sales charge. He had sat 16months in tribal jail in Warm Springs. When finishing up his sentence in tribal, Califorina parole came to extradite him back to Ca. Upon returning back to California for violating his parole, Nate Vicious was sentenced 1yr from the California Board of Prison Terms for his crimes in Oregon. But as always when his sentence was completed he absconed his parole and fled back to Warm Springs to only "trap". He was eventually caught again and was returned back to California for violating parole. When released from prison Nate Vicious decided it was time to man up an take his parole in stride and stay in california for tha remainder of his parole.

After discharging parole and giving their number back to the state. Nate Vicious got back to his music career an started recording again with people aroun the central California area. He had even sent for his family/friends back home named Juice, Ted "Boo" Barney, Young D, Lil Dubz and Sonny Star to do music. They had recorded numerous songs "not yet released" due to lack of funds during that time and friends not committing 100% into projects. Times were hard for him while he was living with then his girlfriend Favianna, now his wife. He began to turn to selling drugs again becuase he felt, this all he knew best to survive an pay bills. For 3yrs Nate Vicious sold d**e, made little music and worked for a beef slaughter plant to provide for his family of 4 kids and wife. But only he knew his time wasn't comin to an end in the "d**e game". Times were drastic with the snitches and cops in and aroun his area. But it only gotten worse. He had lost his job, began selling more drugs and always had his "protection" with him, in-case someone tried robbing him or his business. During that time, music was hardly a factor in his life anymore. In 2012 he was arrested again for drugs and possession of a firearm and was sentenced 2yrs with halftime.

In 2014 Nate Vicious was arrested for sales and possession of a controlled substance once again and is now out on bail waiting for sentencing of a possible 6 year sentnce for priors. While awaiting sentencing, Nate Vicious had hooked up with a producer named D.j. Goofy of Wotah Company Ent./Management. He is currently recording his first LP album titled "Real Life Trap'n" from his label Hog'n Ova Game Records. And also has intentions of "soft dropping"/releasing the past recordings and albums following the release of his album...
