Reload Black continues its string of releases and this time calls out to Italian ever-prolific duo Mr.Bizz, who hand over their brand new 'Venus' EP, containing two neuron buzzing techno cuts, packed with all the peak-time qualities, necessary for the festival arenas this summer.
The title-track starts off with trademark stabs and background effects as it gradually builds to a discernible techno groove that walks us through a caliginous atmosphere, culminating in a hypnotic lead, where floating chords make space for airy percussion to thrive. 'Korda' launches into a surge of grinding leads and heavy-set beats, followed by looped-out vocals and melodic elements all fused together, creating a big dark wall of sound that barrels on with fierce intonations, sweeping away everything in its path.
Always finding great new ground within the techno framework, this is another winner from Reload Black.