One Of Us

One Of Us

Pole Position Recordings proudly present Urmet K and Lady Linn with their latest single One Of Us.

We are delighted to welcome Urmet K and vocalist Lady Linn to Pole Position Recordings. It's a debut release for both of them on our label and what a way to kick things off with their deep vocal house number One Of Us. Driving bass line, crisp percussion, subtle keys, eerie chords and Lady Linn's killer vocal all come together over 7 minutes of sultry deeper house.

The first of two stellar remixes comes from one of Swedens finest Dana Bergquist. The Oh! Records label boss gives One Of Us his own a melodic twist. Warming chords, live feel percussion, subtle use of the vocals and a sweet melody all gel perfectly.

Claus Casper & Jean Philips have been releasing some heavyweight material as of late featuring on labels like JEUDI Basics and OFF Recordings to name just a couple. Their remix of One Of Us is no exception, turning up the heat with catchy keys, punchy beats and a killer rolling sub bass line giving their interpretation a peak time dance floor edge before the release is rounded off nicely with an instrumental courtesy of Urmet himself.
