Special Day

Special Day

The tech-house spotlight this week falls on a one of a kind producer from the highlands of Switzerland, whos tracks have been heard throughout the dance scene. Caruso (Swiss) rises to the challenge and has provided us with his latest installment called Special Day. The original mix packs up a very intense feel, with a rare individuality that stands out from the first few seconds. Further into the track, he uncovers a smooth but darkened vocal that allures you towards an inescapable peak. The first remix comes with regards from Maxim Kurtys who has reinvented the bass line and created a whole different ambient around the same addictive vocal, making his version the perfect pick for that midnight bomb. The third piece of the puzzle is Cristiano Cellus Vai Vai interpretation, which is mostly composed as a cleaner dub version, explicitly dark but powerful non the less.
Enjoy and support another quality Crossworld Records release!
