In The Streets
It's been some time since Parcel, our prodigious LA native, last made an appearance (Viable) on Death Proof Recordings but as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait.
Parcel's been busying himself on his home circuit of late, championing his work around the City Of Angels, with some stand out dates alongside Scuba, Super Flu and Shaun Reeves in recent times, but with all this play has come some hefty work in the studio, which is evident on this stunning EP, 'In The Streets'.
''Windows'' makes it even more apparent how much techier his music has become since ''Viable'', but he still holds his delicate tendencies in their entirety: glacial strings and a throbbing bassline are the opener on this number, all taking you to quite possibly the most awe-inspiring melody of keys we've heard from him. It's a druggy daze of a track eclipsing a typically tight roll... stellar work!
'Shook' is archetypal Parcel: groove-laden, emotive dancefloor readiness. An air of confidence now shines through the melodies, filtered pads and bass, and the added vocal snaps, fx and airy synths hit home with aplomb, proving yet another glossy canvas of electronic prowess to close out what has to be one of our proudest moments on DPR.