I Want You (For Myself)
Taking a step back from packed Yoshi Classics, weve decided to keep it simple with this one, Kings of Tomorrows I Want You For Myself. This tune needs no introduction; its a vocal powerhouse that had dancers singing along worldwide in the summer of 98. Now it returns with a remix from none other than Yoshitoshi label boss Sharam.
His remix keeps the classic house spirit of the original alive, but has modernized it with a crushing bass line and Sharams trademark, whooshing sound effects. Big builds and swells gradually control the energy of the song as Julie McKnights giant vocals repeat those classic lines.
The original has been remastered by the renowned guys at RB mastering, giving it the depth and boost needed for todays digitally driven DJ industry.
You know when a song gets in your head and it wont let go? Sometimes to the point of annoyance? Well, thats what happened to me the first day i heard KOTs I Want You For Myself, except it never got annoying. It got better with time. It stayed sweet and powerful and inspiring year after year after year. 18 years running i still consider it one of the best Yoshitoshi signings and a true house classic. So when we decided to take on this behemoth project of updating the Yoshitoshi Classics, as part of celebrating 20 years of releasing music that goes beyond categorization, I always knew which one i wanted to reinterpret. It was always Sandy Rivera & Jay Sinister Saelee's (Kings Of Tomorrow) 'I Want You (For Myself) featuring the mesmerizing vocals of Julie McKnight. A seminal record that defined soulful house music for years to come, I hope Ive done it justice 18 years later. -Sharam