The Kings
The cast of “The Kings” (in alphabetical order):
Midge Boomgarden as Bathsheba
Kevin Dunning as King Saul
David W. Gilleo as Nathan the Prophet
Sean Harris as Abner
Will Perez as King David
LoriBeth Perry as Michal
Lehho Rebassoo as Goliath
Lisa Rosenberg as Andorra (the Witch of Endor)
Jon Spinogatti as Samuel the Prophet
Robert Zwaschka as Ahio
Saul, a charismatic individual from a prominent family, would become the first king over the nation of Israel. Lacking a relationship with God and insecure of his own worth and ability to govern, he consistently bends to the whims of the people and his troops. Plagued with bouts of depression and manic behavior, Saul consistently disregards direction from his mentor, Samuel the Prophet; eventually leading to his downfall, removal as king, and ultimate suicide.
Conversely David, from humble and modest beginnings as a shepherd, rises to become one of the most revered and powerful rulers in Hebrew literature uniting the twelve families of Israel, establishing a central capital in Jerusalem, Israel. Although making many inappropriate choices along the way, his ongoing faith and trust in his God enables him to weather the consequences of his own actions and the trials that were placed before him.
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