Andres Segovia and His Contemporaries Vol.3: Segovia & Walker
\nAndrés Segovia专辑介绍:这是“Segovia与他的同时代的大师们”系列之三,收有Segovia和女吉他家Luise Walker演奏一些古典作曲家如Bach、Chopin、Schumann、Brahms等的作品。\n\r\nSegovia's 1947 Musicraft recordings of Bach (most notably of the Chaconne - the first guitar version ever recorded) represents a milestone in the development of the guitar in the 20th century. These recordings have always been available in one format or another, invariably with atrocious sound...\r\nUNTIL NOW!!!\r\nDOREMI has painstakingly restored these glorious recordings to the level of sonic quality their magnificence deserves. Segovia is once again represented at the peak of his technical and musical powers, in performances which reveal his unique, clear, rich dark tone, his orchestral timbres and textures.\r\nThe recordings of Luise Walker, from 1932 & 1934 - when she was in her early 20's, reveal her to be a worthy contemporary of Segovia, an elegant, sensitive player with a beautiful tone and an impressive command of her instrument. For the first time the guitar aficionado is provided with an excellent sound which showcases Walker's unique artistry.\n\r\nANDRES SEGOVIA plays J. S. BACH:\n\r\nMusicraft 78s Album M-85 recorded 1947:\n\r\nChaconne (from Violin Partita No.2) BWV 1004\r\nGavottes 1 & 2 (from Violin Partita No.3) BWV 1006\r\nMusicraft 78s Album M-90 recorded 1947:\n\r\nPrelude for Lute BWV 999\r\nCourante (from Cello Suite No.3) BWV 1009\r\nSarabande (from Lute Suite No.1) BWV 996\r\nBourree (from Lute Suite No.1) BWV 996\r\nGavottes 1 & 2 (fromCello Suite No.6) BWV 1012\r\nFugue (fromViolin Sonata No.1) BWV 1000\r\nLUISE WALKER:\n\r\nTelefunken 78s recorded 1934:\n\r\nTarrega (Roch): Gran Jota\r\nDominici: Italienisch Fantasie\r\nFriessnegg: Variations on Schubert's " Die Forelle "\r\nChopin: Nocturne Op. 9, No. 2\r\nOdeon 78s recorded 1932:\n\r\nSchubert: Standchen\r\nWeber: Minuet for Guitar, Viola & Flute\r\nSchumann: Traurnerei\r\nBrahms: Waltz in A flat\r\nBoccherini: Minuet & Allegro\n