DONG JING REN (昼想夜夢REMIX) [Instrumental]

DONG JING REN (昼想夜夢REMIX) [Instrumental]

In 2023, Jinmenusagi's hit album "DONG JING REN" (hereafter referred to as "DJR") was released on his birthday, November 4th. Fast forward to July 23, 2024, the unforgettable "DONG JING REN DELUXE," which features rewritten verses of all existing songs with luxurious guest appearances and three new tracks, along with "DONG JING REN Instrumental" was released.

Now, a month after the album release, the unexpected "DONG JING REN REMIX" has been announced. The producers are the DTM team Hirusouyamu. Although the fact that REMIX was being produced was not disclosed to the media at all, the full details of the REMIX work have finally come to light!

Jinmenusagi, who continues his unstoppable advance, shakes the industry with even more news.
