CAPTURED038 Mike Shiver & Samuel Jason - Trouse
Over the years Swedish Mike Shiver has been on a roll consistently, delivering the big tunes such as "Everywhere You Are", "Sique", "Slacker", "Still Here" and many more.
This time Mike teams up with Stockholm based in-house producer Samuel Jason to supply us with the prog trance floor whacker 'Trouse'. Prepare to be shaken and stirred by the massiveness of this tune!
Thanks for your support and enjoy this new killer release from Captured Music.
WWW | http://www.mikeshiver.com
WWW | http://www.samueljason.com
FACEBOOK | http://www.facebook.com/mikeshiverofficial
WWW | http://www.captured.nu
WWW | http://adrianrazrecordings.com
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TWITTER | http://twitter.com/adrianandraz
YOUTUBE | http://www.youtube.com/user/aandrrecords