Voice in the Air: Songs and Backing Tracks
Save the costs of studio work, arrangements and musicians.
This album contains beautiful professional backing track arrangements of popular songs. After purchase you can use the song as much as you like and save the costs of studio work, arrangements and musicians. Imagine what it costs to make a recording. Just the making of only one song in studio usually costs a lot more than 500 Dollars.
Among the songs on this album you'll find some elements from classical music combined with a modern touch. Some of the songs were recorded with Minsk Chamber music orchestra. So, if you wish to sing with an orchestra, maybe one of these backingtracks will be just the right thing for you?
Since this album is a mixture of both classical and pop music we call it a Crossover.
Among the titles are:
Walking in the Air / Howard Blake,
Because we believe/ David Foster,Andrea Boceli,
Only an ocean Away/Per Andreasson, Don Black,
Only Love/ Frank N.Wildhorn, Nan,
O mio babbino Caro/ Ciacomo Puccini, Giovacchino Forzano,