Soul Cure

Soul Cure

Alter Ego artist Kamil Polner presents his latest dance floor dominating release - Soul Cure. Originally released as part of his Kamil Polner EP back in 2006, Soul Cure now sees a re-release with a well deserved selection of remixes. Mark Versluis injects some energy into his remix and effortlessly delivers a huge peak time version of Soul Cure coupled with a fantastic piano lead breakdown. The melody floats seamlessly over the driving beats and adds a welcomed modern touch to the release. Label favourite Rozza presents his 'Cured' remix of Soul Cure. As expected he sprinkles some Rozza magic all of this production and crafts a mesmerizing rendition with a massive classic feel to it. Easton (recent signings to Alter Ego Records) have remixed Soul Cure and turned in a fantastic alternative sounding remix for the release. An all new lead sound appears in the breakdown which cleverly takes Kamil's track in a brand new direction. Lastly, Alive Stone remixes Soul Cure and blissfully weaves t
