Summer Sampler Volume 2

Summer Sampler Volume 2

The summer is finally here and Infrasonic are back with the second volume of their hugely successful summer sampler.
We welcome another three up and coming producers from around the globe who all take the opportunity to showcase their talent with some superbly written productions.

First up is a guy causing quite a stir at the moment with under his Existone guise.
Sergey Zarubin hails from Russia and after work on the fantastic Black Hole imprint joins the Infrasonic team with the classic hands in the air trancer Drifting.

ReOrder supplies track two with the very impressive Deesse Sofia. Another unknown quantity this guy has been quietly making a name for him self and is another producer with a big future ahead of him based on this performace alone.

Completing the package is Norwegian Ola Bearen's bass driven monster Hope Cloud for good measure.
