Sunset & Myk Bee join forces to rain down some fire on Alter Ego Records for release 123! Horizon, beautifully captures an incredible uplifting journey tailored inch perfect for the dancefloor or arena, the duo bring us a platter of goose bumping tones! Odonbat completes the only remix with a superb turbo charged rendition that will wake the dead!
The Original mix is an exceptionally creative and infectious uplifting track with lots of unpredictable twists. Great dance floor ammo from the duo who provide a truly stunning theme that will leave any dance floor in submission! Assured beats, pulsating bass lines, enchanting melodies, teasing vocal chops plus bags of energy and hair raising moments throughout!
Odonbat is on the flip and racing out of the docks with a take no prisoners remix! Bouncing undertones, crisp percussion, huge top lines and an abundance of energy for the floors! Don't miss this one!!