Prodige E.P
TFB Records proudly presents its 61st release. A huge EP by Aeden with amazing remixes.
First track we find in this EP is called "Apple seed", an astonishing uplifting track, with a beautiful melody. The atmosphere of the song is just magical, a lot of mystic sounds surround us, above all, the special lead is incredible. When the brakdown comes, the highest level of magic appears and a sublime uplift will complete this master piece. No doubt this is a great uplifting track very close to the emotional sound.
The remix of "Apple seed" has been produced by Rain Sonata, and he has upgrade the power of the track. The beauty remains but the powerful bassline has the lead of the song. A very special sound will carry the song into the breakdown. Then, a magical piano plays the magic. Huge atmosphere, storytelling chords and some breaks fulfill this astonishing breakdown. To complete, a perfect uplift with a huge build up will give way to the power of the main lead and bassline. A nice way to remix a song giving it a very different character. Vast job.
Second original is called "Cantata" and it shows its uplifting soul since the first second. A sublime lead takes presence within the vast power of the bassline. The progression of the song is perfectly achieved, with the main lead going higher and higher, showing its magic step by step. We will get fascinated when the breakdown comes, classical music appears with a so amazing atmosphere and beauty. Again, a magnificent build up will explode into pure power and magic sounds. Such a bassline and this lead could only form this vast uplifting track.
The remix of "Cantata" comes by the hand of Stephane Badey, the master of powerful sound; and he shows it again on this remix. Beautiful sounds go along with the huge power of bassline, making a great progression. A perfect dark atmosphere is achieved with the special lead, which will take us into the breakdown. The atmosphere explodes within all its magic and classical sound; then comes the astonishing uplift, with an acid character, which will meet all the power of the bassline to complete this incredible song. Another huge remix by Stephane, showing why he is one of the best.
Third original track of the EP is "Prodige" a sublime track, with such a magical piano. Again, a powerfull bassline carries the song, but this time, the amazing lead and the massive piano will let us fly into the trance atmosphere. A miracle of breakdown with pure uplifting taste appears, and then, the gathering of all sounds become the perfect example of a vast uplifting track. Aeden has achieved a very pure atmosphere of sublime sounds mixed with the power of the bassline, highly recommended track for pure trance lovers.
Xenoflash is the producer of the remix of "Prodige". He has keep the power on the track, but he has took it into a higher level. Main lead appears as a more electric sound. Gorgeous breakdown with a fantastic atmosphere send us to a different world; an unbelievable beauty and magic are breathed within this break. But, the magic does not stop, the uplift comes and gives way to an incredible power and an vast melody; both together form one of most magical productions we have ever listened. No possible adjectives to discribe the incredible sensation of pure trance you feel when listening to it. Just a vast master piece.