

Seres Producoes Present
Babulla (Original mix). Music & Wilson Kentura Tiuze Money, Producers Angolan style and Soulfull african soul, which includes the participation of Mil Tokes, Musician and Dancer also born in Luanda, Angola. The track has a vibe more Afro-House With danceable rhythm and vocal stimulants.

Seres Producoes Apresenta
Babulla (Original mix). Musica de Wilson Kentura & Tiuze Money, Produtores Angolanos de estilo Soulful e afro soul, que conta com a participacao de Mil Tokes, Musico e Bailarino tambem natural de Luanda-Angola. A faixa tem uma vibe mais Afro-House Com ritmo dancante e vocais estimulantes.

Composed, Produced and Arranged by: Wilson Kentura & Tiuze Money
Vocal : Mil tokes Portuga
Lyrics by: Mobet (Os Bamfumo)
Mixed by: Wilson Kentura & Tiuze Money
All Vocals Recorded at Novas Ideias Studio
Mastered at: Provoke Music Kenya [Nairobi]
Cover: Zack Adell (Nairobi Kenya )

Print Man Designer
Tukillas Squeezes
Kevin Provoke

Label Manager/Proj
