Inception EP
Greetings - Inception EP is not only the debut of Long Beach based Dank Radio founder/radio host/resident disc jockey, Nativity, but also the inaugural release for Dank Radio.
"Inception" marks the beginning of a journey from depths of the infrasonic frequencies of lucid reality into waking reality. As one begins to immerse themselves they start to hear and feel the bass & beats of "E.F.". While some may encounter resistance from entities who repay your positivity with negativity through "Genesis 444". Do not be alarmed. For in time you will see how "Binary" is the simplicity of each and every cause & effect adding up to the "Fractal" beauty of life and it's uncertainty.
Providing music for lovers + dreamers & helping dreamers find their lovers on the dance floor.
Love + Light + Lucidity,
released 17 December 2013
One - Six: Produced, arranged, and mixed by Noel "Nativity" Belen.
Two: Additional mixing by Timothy "Fabricated" Hasta.
Mastered: Timothy "Fabricated" Hasta @ Dreamatorium Studio aka 4000's Arcade in Long Beach, CA.
Cover Art + Press Photos: Neil "4000" Belen.
Thanks: Houses & bloodlines of Belen & Alforja, Family & Friends & Lovers: past + present + future, Dank Radio [4000|Fabricated|G1|semA|Cart|rxbbie|Micro|nightfox|Instinkt], FreedomConnection, LSD420, Neon Phoenix, Cole, TomTerrell, Z, KPFK, Aziatik Rhythmz, Radio Bomb, FPAC, One Imagination, ITS, theCloud, Lotus, Exchange LA, La Muerte, Newestra, ArntreLA, Truthseekers, Soundwaves, Soulection, SMOG, IHeartComix, NyteHype, Justin VitalicNoise, Kedd Cook, MDA, CYP2, theedopeshow, Hampton 562CityLife, Luke Aiono, Prince T'Challa, Zuper, Sushi, Biley, YO Bill, Spazzkid, DMNSLYR, NuModern, J-Logic, Alvin SC, Markus WE Labs, Rumiko Sei, Manni Dee, Abdel, Diego, Stefan M Cafe, PJ, Adadub, JohnJoe, Daveman, Fids, Torta Manila, Time in Manila, TodayXFuture, B-Side, Bong Heima, SimilarObjects, Manila Kaibigan, Ableton, Native Instruments, Pioneer, Traktor, Dirtybird, DTR, RX Bandits, MetallicA, Incubus, Sublime, Pisces, Scorpios, and You.