Papers relationship with Norway continues to go from strength to strength and were super excited to have brand new artists from the land of the midnight sun : De Fantastiske To. They are Oslo residents Marius Sommerfeldt and Ravi Brunsvick with a talent for making modern soulful house music with a foot in the old school.
Kodenavn Syden kicks things off with 909 / 808 drums, a two line bass and lush chords. Coming on like a Nu Groove classic, an arp weaves its way round the soulful grooves and the result is house music that has quality running though it like a stick of Bergen rock. If they have rock.
Smile is percussion heavy with jazzy Rhodes and a deep American voice extolling the virtues of positivity. Summoning the spirit of Marshall Jeffersons Open Your Eyes theres a preset sax playing the top line and its the sound of a lost classic from back in the day.
Finally Dragsug slows things down but finds a killer groove with a live bass and hypnotic feel that builds before synth keys give it the hook Layers of strings are then added as the track finds its way to dance floor heaven.