Release Details:
Dawn & Aiera
November (incl. Lemon & Einar K Remix)
Blue Soho Recordings (BLS033)
After the wonderful 'Ascension' from Elias B comes the combined talent of Dawn & Aiera. The latter you will all be familiar with, hot off the back of his 'Aiera' release, now joins forces with newcomer Dawn for an explosive debut!
'November' is a track as lovely as the month itself, built around a beautiful piano melody, with plenty of interesting touches to keep the listener engaged, but keeping the straightforward trance progression for familiarity. From the long lead sequences to the mellow beat, and the wonderful piano keys, the track is a combination of two great artistic styles to make one great track!
Lemon & Einar K keep the 'good things come in twos' motto going with their incredible take on the original. Changing up the lead sequence for a more intense build, the track can be described as a moment of pure euphoria. Shivers and goosebumps are the aim of the game here, with great tension moments coupled with equally entertaining releases, from the very start of the track through to the end. Trademark sounds from their previous tracks combine with the stunning original to make one track that you won't be forgetting for quite some time!
Blue Soho 2011.